2016-10-19 - Running is illigocal
As Spock would say about running, it's illogical. The sweat, pain and the energy used to get from point A to point B may seem pointless, perhaps even wasteful to someone without deeper knowledge about what the runner is experiencing. In ways, running has aspects similar to art, music and religion. Without personally experiencing what we experience, even a well-delivered explanation would fall short. For these reasons, many of us were forced to run for the first time, or perhaps tricked into it. However it happened, we obviously glimpsed something hiding below the surface, something that made us run again, and again, and again, with each run adding to the richness of what the run gives back.
Get out and defy logic,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner
PS: Come join me for some "vacation running", a term that the sedentary world would truly call illogical. February 10 - 17, 2017 I'm heading to a first class all-inclusive resort, the kind your family and friends would love to join you at. You don't even have to tell them it's an active trip, you'll be back from your run or walk before they realize you were missing. Check HERE for more info!
PS: Please consider joining up for a bit of Trail Clean up on the Dances With Dirt and Run Woodstock trails. This is an opportunity for us that use the trails, to maintain the trails we share with others, and those that need trail volunteering for certain races, and for those that want to help and make a little piece of the planet a bit nicer. Bring work gloves, and optionally, a brush trimming tool of some kind. Click here for more.
2016-10-12 - Get your butt out the door war
To send a get out the door motivational message during these glorious fall days may seem to be a wasted effort to some, but all of us will soon have to get in our runs during the cold, dark mornings or evenings, as daytime continues to shrink. It's never easy but always worth it. A high lumen LED headlamp along with an even brighter hand held light can tear a hole through the dark and by overdressing a bit, the punch of the cold can be reduced to a light slap that we can defend against, giving us the edge to win round one of this six month, cold fight. I'm in your corner and cheering like mad!
Never let up,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, hoping for a victorious running season with far more wins than losses in the get our buts out the door column!
PS: An additional weapon in this get out the door fight is to be signed up for at least one event in each or the upcoming cold months. Events give us incentive to keep the training alive and lining up with our peeps reminds us that we are not in this dark, cold, battle alone.
- November 12th, Vasa Trail Run, Traverse City, 5K, 10K, 25K
- November 24th, Thanksgiving Day, The Ann Arbor Turkey Trot 5K and 1K
- December 10th, The Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 mile in Dexter
- January 21st, Bigfoot Snowshoe 5K, 10K, Traverse City
- February 5th, The Super 5K, Super Bowl Sunday morning
- March 12, Shamrocks and Shenanigans, Ann Arbor
PS: Here is that sneak peak of our 2017 CALENDAR! Be sure to pick up your magnet at the Detroit Free Press Marathon Expo... and plan your year with RF Events!