2016-12-01 - High of 29, are you ready?

randy freepThe long term weather forecast shows a high of 29 a week from today, will you be ready to run? Now is the time to make sure you have the proper winter run gear so you won't have an excuse to not get out the door! Jacket, gloves, hats, wicking layers, shoe traction like Yaktrax or something similar and a small running pack to shed layers or put them on. That said, just getting this stuff together can get you excited about the challenge of a wintery run. Don't procrastinate, get ready today!

Be prepared ... To run!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who wrote this to guilt myself into preparing ... Today!

PS: Another way to enjoy the winter runs is to plan a winter escape or two. I find breaking winter into manageable pieces helps get us through winter with our running intact. A perfect way to split the season is to join us in the sun the week of February 10-17, an all-inclusive trip to the Mayan Riviera, YIKES! Deadline to sign up is next Monday, December 5th. I'll throw a party at my house to get to know each other before we go, a week out on Feb. 3rd. Email me with questions!

PS: Santa's Helpers needed! Saturday Afternoon, December 10th in Dexter, MI, for the Holiday Hustle. A time to give back to the sport ... And get a $30 race voucher for a future event! Your help will make a $10,000 donation to local charities possible!

2016-11-24 - Run short... but run

randy freepThese are the times that try runner's souls, the long, dark, cold, busy, days of the holiday season. A time full of excuses, a time when just getting out the door for a run requires super human strength. This is a time to make a personal commitment to consistency. Perhaps a self-promise to get out the door no less than 3 days a week for no less than 3 miles, or any bare minimum numbers that give you some sense of fulfillment. Forget training schedules and the high mileage weeks of the past, pick numbers that won't scare you off from the daily run. Perhaps a new mantra, short runs, that get done, rule!

Hang tough and get out the door,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who will be rooting for you ... And me!

PS: The next couple months are a time to enjoy a few silly, fun races just to see the other runners who are managing some consistency so you know you are not alone! Perhaps I'll see you at the Holiday Hustle 5K December 10th, http://runholiday5k.com/. The Bigfoot Snowshoe 5K & 10K January 21st http://runsnow.com/ or the Super 5K, Sunday February 5th, http://runsuperbowl.com/  by then it will be time to fire up the mileage for spring ... So enjoy the break!