2017-01-25 - Run alone and connected

freep2I use the free version of the Strava running App on my phone and I must admit, it helps motivate me out the door. Today's apps are not only a way to log miles and track totals but a way to interact with other runners. You can follow others and be followed, and there is the chance of getting kudos, even for my short, slow runs or walks, much like getting likes on social media! OK, exactly like it. You can use these apps on many of the GPS watches, but I like the security of running with my phone. (I do keep the ringer off to run in peace.) On almost every run I encounter something beautiful or interesting enough to snap a photo of to add to my post/log. When my day gets long or stressful, these images can plug me back into an energized moment from my run and clear the funk. And yes, by having the phone you may be the first to come upon an accident scene, dial 911, and save a life.

Run fully connected and peacefully alone,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with an app on my phone to prove it.

PS: Want to train for the Martian Invasion of Races Half Marathon on April 22, 2017 in Dearborn, MI? There's still time! Join us for a spring half marathon training program starting this Saturday, January 28th. Check it out here!

PS: If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com

Blue Wednesday running cures

randy freepMy cure for this blue Wednesday is going over our schedule of fun events and planning the year out. Starting with Feb 5th, the Super 5K before the big game where we earn our spot on the couch when we show off our medals and put our finisher's pint glass to use. After this fun run, it's time to train a bit more serious to be ready for the Martian Invasion of Races on April 22nd, from 5K to the Full Marathon, commit now, follow one of these training schedules, and you can do this! Celebrate your Martian success with a party race like Hightail to Ale 5K, a fun, fit night in the "D" on Cinco De Mayo. Perhaps make 2017 your year to stick your foot in the water and enter one of the June, July or August T-Rex Sprint Triathlon Series races, yikes! All this planning fire will drive off the blues and motivate us out the door to prepare for the fun.
Sign up, say yikes, then get out today and put in some training miles,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, excited for the 2017 events and ready to ramp the miles back up .... Next month.

PS: Resolve to GIVE BACK in the New Year! We have a great schedule of races coming up, be the first to hear about volunteering here!

PS: If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com