2016-08-24 - Your own records are meant to be broken
PS: We have loved having a HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it has been getting us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com
2016-08-17 - There are good days ahead!
For those of us increasing our weekly mileage for a long fall race ahead, feel good runs are few and far between and we often wake up up as tired as when we went to sleep. The good runs will come when we finally plateau and groove into the mileage, the great runs will come as we taper and sharpen, the real reward comes on race day. Hang tough, you are not alone out there, it just seems like it. When you line up race day you will be joining the thousands of us that have been out there silently suffering with you, all hoping to experience greatness!
Get out and suffer and the reward will come,
Randy Step, an Admitted obsessed runner who always looks forward to the race day reward.
PS: We are loving this HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it does help get us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com
PS:GOBBLE GOBBLE, runners! It is never too early to plan your festive family and fun filled turkey day! Join us Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, before all the turkey and pies for a fun family 5K and 1K in downtown Ann Arbor, MI! NEW for 2016, medals to all finishers and much more! Don't miss the TURKEY TROT!