2024.07.31 - Running and the meaning of life

This morning on a quiet country road, I decided that running may be the meaning of life, or at least a big part of it. During a great run we truly live in the moment with our senses firing on all cylinders with the smells, sights, feel of the wind and weather licking our face. We savor the physical work, the fatigue, success and completion, we feel fully alive and know this is where we belong. Perhaps a second run is in order today!

Run and know the truth!

 If this sounds familiar, it is the July 31st page of my book, “Get your butt out the door!” Wondering what the August 1st entry says? Buy the book! A quick daily read will remind you why you run, and give you that poke you just might need. Get your copy HERE!



Speaking of books, I went to the Detroit Festival of Books last week where my daughter Anna was invited to do a signing of her book, Keep it up Cutie, a not so self help book. I admit, I learn from her book more than my own. Many of you know Anna, who has been a huge part of the creative and marketing at RF Events for 14 years, she is leaving after Run Woodstock to pursue her life as a content creator on social media, sharing her message that each of us is enough, just the way we are. Anna has been touring the country doing a one woman stage show, one that is coming to Michigan for the first time next month. Tickets for Anna Przy in Detroit from ShowClix (houseofcomedy.net) We will miss her madly and wish her well. Follow Anna by searching @akprzy, then,


Get your butt out the door!

2024.07.17 - Run or run again

The response to my email discussing my running being sidelined brought forth a deluge of responses with similar stories. Just letting you know, those of us facing medical nightmares are not alone. Stories of running through or trying to return to running after chemo, radiation, heart attacks, and trauma that included broken bones, brain injuries and so much more filled my inbox. The recurring theme, our running prepares us for pain, but also turns us into survivors, giving us the tools to fight our way back. Tools like persistence, patients, and hope. Running also teaches us that every healthy day is a gift not to missed.

Run smart, recover smart, so we can run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who thanks you all for caring, and for those of you on the sidelines, I am cheering you on to fight the good fight. The rest of you, get your butt out that door!