Obsessed Runner Blog

2025.02.13 - Let's run long!

It's Mandy with a Mid-week takeover! I am reporting in fresh off the plane from our RF Event's mid-winter vacation to Puerto Vallarta! For over 30+ years our team has been traveling with a group of like-minded runners, walkers, adventurers, and folks wanting to escape the Midwest winter for a week! Trips have been all over the Caribbean, Mexico and beyond.
This year, 63 folks boarded a Delta non-stop flight from Detroit and we took over the plane as we headed south! We traveled to the heart of Puerto Vallarta where we were treated to morning miles along the Malecon and a local river path. We explored nearby mountains and even found a local Hash House Harriers Run to join in. A daily favorite was whale spotting right from our hotel balcony. In-between lounging and relaxing we took a private boat excursion, which was a crowd favorite, and ziplined our way down the Canopy River. Our trip ended with our traditional Jammin' 5K/10K and kid's run! We had finishers from 4 years old to 86! New for us this year, we had a trip book club that many participated in and gathered to discuss at the end of the week! Others opted for day trips from ghost tours to golfing! The opportunities were endless!
We had first time trip-goers to 20+ time trip-goers. Our group was made up of singles, couples, and families. Everyone felt they were part of something amazing and encouraged adventure with their new and old friends.  We had lots of representation from local running/walking groups in Michigan! Members from 501 Running Club, Northville Road Runners, Downtown Runners and Walkers and Erratic Run Club. No one was left behind as we took to the streets, paths and beach to get in our miles!
Where will 2026 take us!? Who knows! But it will be somewhere warm with the perfect mixture of relaxation and adventure! Want to be on the list to join us? E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will shoot you all the details for our next adventure!
PS - See you soon at the not-quite as warm downtown Ann Arbor, March 9th! There won't be sand but there will be loads of celebrating post race! Cheers!


2025.01.09 - Junk Mile January

Junk miles? Miles with no purpose other than to add miles to the log. Not fast, not long, not specific training miles targeting an upcoming race, just enough energy output so we are comfortable saying, we are runners. January is no time to go charging out front like a freshman in a cross country meet, it’s time to give the body a break before the build-up for spring, a time to lick our wounds and get some other things off the checklist of life. This is, a time to plan out the running year, and enter events that target, or are, our goal event.

Get out and slog a few mindless miles today, or not,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, admitting to extending my junk runs until at least mid-February.


2024.12.18 - Running and life is hard

The physical and mental benefits from running are due in part to the difficult nature of our sport. We put in long miles of training in adverse weather, we find the time to run in a busy life where running is actually our down time, not to mention, the physical pain we endure putting in those miles. You are one tough cookie, and when life throws you a curve, you have the tools to survive and move on, thanks to the daily run.




Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who can find sunshine in the dark days, thanks to my daily run. Amen.

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