2017-08-17 - Be prepared to run!

randy trailHave you ever been asked to go on a run, or find yourself with the time to sneak in a run and can't because you don't have your running gear with you? I was watching the Weather Channel and they had on a survival expert that talked about what you should have in your emergency "Bug Out Bag" in your car. Not much of an expert I'd say, he didn't even include running shoes and apparel! If you haven't already, stash some old shoes and gear into your emergency bag in your car, It's also good to have a kit under your desk at work and anywhere else you may find yourself with a run opportunity. Be prepared!

May your next run be an unplanned adventure,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who ended up at an appointment yesterday that got pushed back 2 hours, leaving plenty of time to get on my stuff and run some nearby trails I have not been on in years.

PS: FREE WINE! FREE PARTY! Do I have your attention? We want YOU on the Uncorked Crew this weekend at Running Between the Vines. Join us at Sandhill Crane Vineyards in Jackson,MI Saturday, August 19th, 2017! $30 race voucher, fun volunteer shirt, custom wine glass and an invitation to the post race party for all volunteers! Check it out!

2017-08-10 - Don't sacrifice the gift

randy trailI'm currently running pain free with no excuses to miss my daily run. That said, yesterday it struck me that I was taking these healthy days for granted, not feeling blessed to just be able to lace 'em up and head out the door. It's so true, "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". 6 months ago, I was on the injured list and would have given anything just to get in a pain free run ... And yesterday, I blew off the daily run just because I didn't get around to it and the day and the opportunity slipped on by. I was reminded of a quote from one of America's greatest distance runners, Steve Prefontane, "To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." The daily run is surely a gift to us all.

Don't sacrifice the gift,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, heading out the door to experience the precious gift I have been given.

PS: Give the gift of VOLUNTEERING! Join us on the Uncorked Crew at Running Between the Vines in Jackson, MI on August 19, 2017 for a wine-tacular time! NOW OPEN, Run Woodstock Roadie 2017 registration is OPEN! Get your groove on and check out all the volunteer opportunities HERE.

PS: Local life-long runner and friend, Tracey Cohen, has just published her second book, Six Word Lessons on the Sport of Running: 100 Lessons to Enjoy Running for a Lifetime. A short and powerful book that I believe can change lives, if put in the right hands. I believe it is the perfect gift for us to give to a non-running friend. That said, I enjoyed the read, a refreshing reminder of all aspects of our sport.