2017-09-27 - Run and be ready to help

randy dirtshirtI'm feeling blue thinking about the people who've lost so much in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Dominica... And the running communities in these areas of devastation where the daily run is replaced with a marathon of digging out and helping others, especially those neighbors who don't have the health and energy to do so for themselves. When we head out for our run, we are training our bodies to be ready... Perhaps for a race, but also so we can be the ones who are able to help and not need help. Your fitness level may someday save a life.

Run to be ready,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner that hopes today's run will help me to be prepared for whatever the future may bring.

PS: I'm so proud of the success of our Zero Waste effort at RF Events, and of the crew and volunteers that make it happen. A recent example is our stats from the literal ton of waste generated at an Run Woodstock, trash that I'm not so proud to say went to the landfill just 2 years ago, but never will again!
Compost: 617.8 lbs.
Recycling: 2,522.6 lbs.
Trash (from tents and bins): 89.4 lbs.
Diversion: 3,140.4 lbs. out of 3,229.8 lbs. total = 97.2%!

PS: There are lots of turkey's to trot with coming up, please consider joining our Turkey Crew on Thanksgiving Day for the 12th annual Downtown Ann Arbor Turkey Trot 5K and 1K Tot Trot. A couple bucks of your entry will go to The Chad Tough Foundation to help fight childhood brain cancer. Your custom turkey finisher's medal will prove you've earned your place at the table and on the couch!

2017-09-20 - You inspire me!

randy dirtshirtFor the first fall season in recorded history (OK, just 35 years), I'm not trained well enough to run a fall marathon... Even the half I've entered will be tough. No real excuses, only a lack of committing to a clear goal, following a plan and ... Thinking I had time to get in the miles! Me, the so called, "Obsessed Runner"... I celebrated your commitment and achievements with many of you at the finish line at Legend, Running Between the Vines and Run Woodstock, where it struck me that my own weekly mileage was low, my long runs have not been that long and that time has slipped by ... Time I kept thinking was plenty of time, and now it isn't. It reminds me of the book, The Screw Tape Letters, where the Devil's plan to keep the sinners out of Heaven is to tell them, not to worry, you have PLENTY OF TIME, to change your wicked ways ... Until you don't.

The clock never stops,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner. If I wasn't obsessed, I would not be feeling so guilty. Thanks for inspiring me and lighting the way.

PS: WE WANT YOU ON THE DIRT CREW! Join us for the wildest weekend of the year at Dances With Dirt Hell on September 23, 2017! Tons of jobs available behind the scenes and on the front lines. Volunteers receive a sweet shirt, $30 voucher towards a future RF Events event, and a ticket to the post race party! Check it out HERE.

PS: The cooler mornings are putting fall on our minds! Orchards, pancakes... (HARD) cider... Join us at the Scrumpy Skedaddle in Flushing, MI on October 1st for a 5K or 10K, live music, all you can eat pancake breakfast, finisher's glasses, medals and HARD CIDER!