2017-06-21 - So what if your run sucks?
We have all had times that we feel disappointed in ourselves by our performance. Examples: not running our goal at a race we trained hard for and were ready for, or when we head out for a training run we cut short or walk due to fatigue, lack of motivation or whatever. When the run goes bad, we need to remember that running is what we do for fun; it's what we do to escape stress. (Yes, I go back to this theme often ... Because I need to hear it.) When we lace up our shoes and race or just head out the door for the daily run, we have already won, we are experiencing the gift, we are living our passion. However the run goes is part of the adventure. With the right attitude, our ugly run might be the most memorable, perhaps a learning experience or one that leaves us with a story to tell.
No matter how much your run sucks, it's nothing compared to how much not running sucks,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has had a streak of crappy runs, runs that still add miles to my log and totals that make me smile.
PS: Join us for 5K, 5 Mile, or Half Marathon in Jackson, MI on August 19th, 2017 for Running Between the Vines! Running, cheese, chocolate and WINE... what could be better?
PS: The Inaugural Oberun 5K registration for the VOLUNTEER BREW CREW IS OPEN! Check out all the details here!
2017-06-14 - Cold rags and running
We are pretty excited about our Zero Waste progress at RF Events, with an average of over 90% diversion from the landfill over the last year! Today we hit a dilemma... On hot event days in the past (it looks to be toasty Saturday for our Canton Liberty Fest Run) we passed out ice water soaked, non-recyclable rags at the aid stations. After a bit of brainstorming today on keeping sustainable, we dug out some leftover cotton race shirts from the past and cut them into 1,200 rags! We should be able to pass them out, pick them up and wash them to cool down future runners!
Run cool and sustainably,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves extremes, so needless to say, I'm diggin' this heatwave running!
P.S. We could use a few extra hands at the race Saturday to help keep the runners cool. Click this link to volunteer, you'll get a flashy shirt, a $30 voucher for future events and you will feel cool, for giving back to our sport! If you'd like to run Saturday and experience a cold rag on your head, click this link to enter the fun!
PS: Join us for 5K, 5 Mile, or Half Marathon in Jackson, MI on August 19th, 2017 for Running Between the Vines! Running, cheese, chocolate and WINE... what could be better?