2017-05-03 - Proof: Runners live longer!

randy coldsunnyCredit for today's link goes to my friend Andrew Griffin, a funny guy who follows the minutia of the sport. We don't need to read about running, we only need to head out the door and experience the magic first hand to totally get it ... But it is pretty cool when the professional, medical community gives running a huge thumbs up! The gist, you get about 7 hours added to your life for every hour you run, or an average of a 3 year bonus to your life. You get this regardless of pace of effort, even slow running is considered serious physical activity compared to most other sports. The article says you pretty much get this running bonus no matter how many other bad health habits you have, dig it!

Let's get out there today and add 7 hours to our lives!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is not good at math but if I'm thinking right, if I run 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year, I pick up 76 days per year tacked on to the back end of this short, wonderful life! If I do this for 40 years it will come to 8 bonus years! Stay obsessed, the heck with average!

PS: We are now accepting volunteers for Flirt With Dirt! Check out all of our awesome volunteer opportunities HERE! RF Events volunteers receive fun volunteer swag, a $30 voucher towards a future event and MORE!

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