2014-07-16 - Just Run
My body likes to go for a run a couple hours after I wake up. This usually works out fine on the day of an event but on a normal day with the time constraints of life, I go through the usual torture, head games and trickery to get up and drag myself out the door just minutes after waking. A couple miles into the run I usually feel awake and wonderfully alive, always making the torture of getting out the door worthwhile ... Knowing this and going through the same scenario day after day you would think I would just skip the drama and run out the door. DUH
On days I plan an evening run, I often get home brain dead and tired. It amazes me how going out for a run slaps me awake and leaves me exhilarated and content. Running is truly a miracle drug.
Don't think about it, just run,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner who thinks about the run way too much before heading out the door ... Dang.
P.S. - Looking to get out for a fun trail run? Join us August 2nd in Laingsburg, MI for THE LEGEND 5 mile, 10 mile and 13.1 mile! The course circles the lakes in a beautiful lightly hiked and biked area of Michigan, what could be better!
2014-07-09 - Run, Learn, Run
Running, such a simple sport requiring very little equipment or expertise. That said, like so many things in life, the simple things you enjoy can enrich your life exponentially with just a bit more knowledge, turning them into one of life's passions.
For years, Running Fit has been offering the class, Running 101, the class for the beginning runner. I've always thought this was the most valuable and important part of what we offer the fitness community, sharing the information to turn people into lifelong runners. Motivational tricks, proper form that will make you faster and more efficient, training schedules and injury prevention information that can make such a difference. Fall Running 101 dates are here! New to running? Have a non-running friend you want to turn into a runner? Share this link, you can change a life!
Run, learn, and run forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner. Let's spread the passion!
P.S. - If the Red Carpet Run isn't already on your calendar, Why not! Join us August 6 for an evening of glitz, glamour, sweat and the star treatment! It will be THE social event of the season! redcarpetrun.com