2014-09-10 - You can run there!

randy hippieMany of us runners are creatures of habit, running the same routes, training on the same days and following our same old schedules, regardless of the fact that all areas of our running could be elevated to new levels of improvement and enjoyment with just a bit of creativity, a word not often associated with running. A good example is point to point running.  

Running to work, is truly an environmentally friendly and rewarding experience with an added time management perk, especially if it lets you escape wasted time in morning traffic. The excuse is often that there is no shower at work. The answer is to shower and prepare for work before you head out on the run, you will need to remember to leave a set of work clothes at the office along with any make up or other prep items you need to look ready for the day. Because sweat is sterile, and you just took a shower, as long as you run in clean running gear, there is no "smell" associated with your workout. Leaving a clean towel at work to dry off the sweat is another item to pack. Even better, leave a set of this stuff at work all the time to give you even more flexibility. And yes, you can put on the dirty stuff to run home in! Don't live close enough? No excuse! Find a park and ride, or store lot a runnable distance from work, perhaps saving parking fees for some of us!

Enjoy the morning "rush",

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who finds myself changing in my car more often than in my home.

PS: NOW HIRING! Running Fit Northville, Novi, and West Bloomfield are looking for energetic individuals to fill full and part time positions. If interested, please visit a Running Fit location to fill out an application.

PS: Dances With Dirt Hell Ultramarathon online registration will be closing on Tuesday!

2014-09-03 - Coached by our run

randy hippieAs runners, we are far more aware of our health status than the average American; we are in touch with our body because we ask a lot of it daily and can tell when things are even a bit out of whack. I continually talk to runners who have found out serious health issues in their early stages because of this awareness, certainly an advantage to get things back on the right track, perhaps saving our life. The same insight makes runners good patients, we will do what it takes to recover and get back out there.

That said, the same goes for our diet, as runners we find out what foods work for us, and the fact is the ones that do are pretty healthy. We naturally avoid high fat meals that don't allow us to get out for a run, either from sluggishness or digestive issues.

Running, the sport that keeps on giving,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who feels that I am coached through this life by my running!

PS: Traverse City Running 101 sessions start next week: September 10. This 8 week beginner running program will introduce you to all the short and long term benefits of an active lifestyle! Sign up today!

PS: Be one of the Heroes on Hines on October 4, 2014! Not often in life are we given a chance to be heroic, please join us as we run in honor of the fallen First Responders who have given all, for us. All proceeds from this event go toward the long term maintenance and upkeep of the First Responders Memorial in Plymouth Township!