2014-10-08 - Your run is yours

randy hippieRunning is personal, our goals, our pace, our motivation and our satisfaction all come from our perception of our running and in this case perception is our reality.  I find it pretty cool that what we put into our running and what we take from it is pretty much the same as the fastest runner to the slowest runner in the world. Sure, we can't help comparing ourselves to others but we know that the reality is that how others run is pretty much irrelevant, their run is their run and our run is ours.

Each and every time we run out the door, even if we run with a friend or line up with thousands of others at an event, even if the run goes well or is pure torture, our run becomes a part of who we are, something that can't be taken away.  

Collect those miles forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, yep, that's who I am.

PS: BOO! Join us this weekend at RUN, SCREAM, RUN! We want YOU to volunteer! So many spooktacular opportunities to help out. Check it out HERE!

PS: All new yoga for runners starts October 23! Register now!

2014-10-01 - A delicious run

randy hippieEvery day gives us new reasons to be excited to be runners, like the perfect running temp, misty and mystical morning we had on this delicious fall day. The sight, sounds and smells of autumn were thick, as night slid away and daylight crept in to join us. Perhaps tomorrow will be a repeat performance or perhaps it will be a gusty, rainy, cold, slap in the face kind of run that comes to greet and challenge us. Bring it on, we are here for the wild ride and the satisfaction we get from getting out that door!

Gear up for the adventure,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with a head lamp, reflective vest, multiple traction devices for my shoes, tons of tech clothing and lots of miles in my log to prove it!

P.S. It's not too late to join us on Saturday and be a Hero on Hines as we run 5K or a half marathon to support the upkeep of the Fallen First Responders Monument at the corner of Haggerty and Hines Drive. Late entry available, visit heroesonhines.com

P.S. Join us at Running Fit Northville for our Yoga for Runners Class with Kristina.This is a 6 class series with a focus on poses that will help you run more efficiently and stay injury free. Two weeks will be spent on each topic: Core, Power, Recovery. Classes are from 6:15 to 7:30 on Thursdays beginning October 23 and running through December 4 with a break for Thanksgiving. 6 sessions for $90. Register HERE!