2014-10-22 - Motivation
As the run season winds down, motivation can take a dive. The answer? To start planning for an amazing 2015, plans that will get you out the door this winter. If you sprinkle the winter with a couple fun events, like the December 13th Holiday Hustle 5K in Dexter and the February 1st Super 5K on Superbowl Sunday morning in Novi, you'll add to your medal collections and won't completely lose your fitness level. By picking a spring goal, like the Martian Invasion of Races on April 18th in Dearborn, a run for everyone with a 5K, 10K, 13.1 and 26.2 mile, every winter run will be money in the bank!
To help you commit now, here is a $3 off coupon code to enter any or all these events! Use coupon code "WINTER15MOTIVATION" The code expires this Saturday, October 25th at 11:59PM. Enter at runholiday5k.com, runsuperbowl.com and martianmarathon.com
Keep the fire lit,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has your next year planned! Go to our event calendar and save the dates, I'll be at all of them, join me!
2014-10-15 - Dumb Running Terms
I'm sure you have a list of stuff that drives you nuts, mine includes: People who call running shoes, "tennis shoes"; heck, running shoes are perhaps the worst shoes you could wear playing tennis! The term "Jogger". People who refer to any running event as a marathon, do they really not know a marathon is 26.2 miles? And the term that bothers me the most, "Half Marathon", it's a 13.1 mile race, better yet as it is called everywhere outside the USA, 21K, yes, the full marathon happens to be 42K but as we don't call a 5K, half of a 10K, it makes no sense to use the word half, these races are specific distances we race, they are not half of anything. Venting does make one feel better...
For those of you headed down to run long in the "D" this weekend, it's time to TAPER, TAPER, TAPER! It's time to lick those training wounds and put some gas in your tank. You can only run too much the week before your race, not too little, actually no running would be just fine. To finish a long race you need to be healthy and rested. There, I have granted you permission to do a TV taper. Enjoy the days off, then rock your run on Sunday!
Get out and Jog!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed Jogger, now does that sound stupid or what? And yes, I will be running a 13.1 mile race this weekend!
PS: Be safe and be seen. Enjoy this informative video, it could save a life. The fact that the products in the video are all available at Running Fit is just coincidental
PS: Be sure to come visit Running Fit this weekend at the Detroit Expo! Don't miss our great deals!
PS: HO, HO, GO! Registration is NOW OPEN for the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile! Join us December 13 as we jingle all the way in Dexter, MI! Runholiday5k.com