2014-07-30 - Status not quo

randy hippieMedals, awards, themes and swag are fun but pale in comparison to personal achievement. I do like to travel and experience new places and events but I also love races that can become a tradition, events that I can come back to year after year and attempt to set my best time ever over the course or to just enjoy the fun familiar places and faces, events that become part of who I am. Fads continue to come and go in the running event world. Some current fads include color runs, light runs, obstacle course runs and events that do not keep track of your time. Some positive aspect of these fad events is that they often attract non-runners, getting them off the couch and out the door, perhaps a stepping stone to a more active lifestyle; they can also offer us a day of diversion and fun. The downside, many are far from environmentally friendly, have very high entry fees, can have unknown risks and the worst new fad of all, flash in the pan companies that take your entry money, then take off and not put on the event. Yikes!

Enjoy every healthy day and be careful out there,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who loves to meet up with old friends on the race course.

PS: At R.F. Events, we may offer a fun and quirky theme but behind the fun facade, you can be assured there is a measured, timed, well supported, safe event that we take seriously, one that you can trust with your hard earned money and training.

PS: Speaking of R.F. Events... RUN, SCREAM, RUN registration is NOW OPEN! A guaranteed Halloween favorite, October 11, 2014 at Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti!

PS: Check out some new ways to follow Running Fit on social media. The Traverse City area can now be followed on twitter and Instagram @rngfittc. There is also a new Instagram account @rngfit.

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