06-04-2014 - National Running Day

randy runningToday is  National Running Day, kind of like a Hallmark Holiday, we won't change the world overnight but anything that might help to wake up the majority of Americans rotting away in a couch potato haze is worth promoting. We are so very lucky to have found running and walking and all the positive aspects that they bring to our daily lives, I feel it's a duty to share what we have and bring new runners into the fold in any way that we find that works. So yes, it's Ok to trick them into it, whatever it takes! Invite the inactive friend out for a walk, when it feels right, suggest running for a minute, stay a step behind and go as slow as necessary, say it's time to walk again before they do. Talk about having them train for a 5K, suggest one about a year away, spark the idea and watch it smolder until it flames.

Share the run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is working to trick everyone out the door

P.S.- Can't successfully trick your friends into running quite yet? We always need volunteers! Some FUN upcoming volunteer opportunities include the Canton Liberty run on June 14, and the Triceratops Tri on June 18th! CHECK IT OUT! All volunteers receive a $30 race voucher and cool volunteer swag!

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