Obsessed Runner Blog

2019-08-01 - The perfect you

randy freepIt is ALWAYS a mistake to compare our running with anyone else's. Our genetics, our individual health background, past injuries, family and business situations and so much more goes into who we are and what we are capable of. For some, completing a 5K, might be a far greater accomplishment than another runner finishing a marathon. Only we know what we have overcome or how difficult it was for us to get to that starting line, we have no idea what others have done to get to their starting line. So, the next time we read a social media post about someone doing a 30 mile training run to prepare for their next 100 mile race, or someone who just ran 4 miles without stopping, let's respond with the thumbs up that they both deserve!
May today's run get you closer to the perfect you,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, proud of every runner I see out there doing the work.

PS: TWO WEEKS until we run between the vines! Join us for a beautiful run from Sandhill Crane Vineyards at Running Between the Vines 5K, 5M, & 13.1M on August 17th! Running, cheese, chocolate... and wine!
PS: Last chance for the early bird price! Join us at the Run Scream Run 5K, 10K and Cider Mill Mile on October 12, 2019 for a fall day in the orchards in Ypsilanti, MI. Costumes, cider, donuts... SIGN ME UP

2019-07-18 - Run smart or don't run

randy freepHeat is the most dangerous condition to run in, It is imperative to respect these conditions and run as smart as possible, it can truly be a life or death situation. That said, I love extremes! On record hot day, a simple short run becomes my Mount Everest where the risk and rewards are high. My plans will include running short, shady loops from a lakeshore where I can plunge myself in at any sign of heat injury. I will start hydrated and will continue to hydrate with water and electrolyte replacement fluids. My run will be short but filled with adventure not available to me on a so called, "nice day!"
Run smart or don't run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with a plan.

PS: ONE MONTH until we run between the vines! Join us for a beautiful run from Sandhill Crane Vineyards at Running Between the Vines 5K, 5M, & 13.1M on August 17th! Running, cheese, chocolate... and wine!

PS: Dreamin' of those cool fall temps right about now? Registration is NOW OPEN for Run Scream Run 5K, 10K and Cider Mill Mile! Join us October 12, 2019 for a fall day in the orchards in Ypsilanti, MI. Costumes, cider, donuts... SIGN ME UP! Early bird pricing ends August 1st... sign up now and save.

2019-07-10 - Peace, love, music & running

randy freepNot exactly the normal motivational get your butt out the door midweek but putting a long trail run on your fall calendar may just get you into the woods NOW! Run Woodstock is an event we all need, a weekend escape from normality. As Run Woodstock continues to rise above the astral plane, space becomes limited. Don't miss your chance to camp out on the land and set your soul free, less than 100 walk in campsites left. Enter an event and grab up a site today, your body and mind will thank you, dig?

Yes, Run Woodstock is trail running, walking, camping and yoga nirvana but it's also a weekend of great live music! We have a couple exciting new bands in the lineup this year, The Honkey Tonk Club of Detroit, fronted by the soulful pipes of Liz from the Brunswick Brawlers, also, Mile High, a fresh new group ready to hit it big. Lemon James will be back like the ghost of Hendrix, along with the boys from across the pond, The UK Mods. Taste will be back to rock the last loud set on Saturday and the night will finish around the main campfire with an acoustic throwback by Double Take.

Come run and lose the fog,

peace out,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has drank the Cool-Aid and want you to join me, dig?

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