Obsessed Runner Blog

2020.1.2 - Still diggin' the run

randy winterI must admit, over 40 years of getting out the door I'm about as obsessed with running as I've ever been, wallowing in it like a pig in mud. My running has taken me around the world and around the block. Another new year and it's time for new plans to keep the fire lit. I'm committed to run 50K Trail Weekend, several half marathons and the Traverse City 70.3 ... so far! I hope you have caught the running curse and stay over on the dark side with me till the end, if not, today's a great day to enter a couple long races to get the fire burning.
Run or grow old and moldy,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with no plan to stop.

PS: New Year's Day filled our Facebook feeds with every bodies commitments for the new year! We loved all the sign ups for their runs for the year. If you still haven't picked your goal races for 2020, check out our full listing of events HERE! Commit, train, succeed!

2019.12.26 - How was your run today?

randy winterWas your run effortless? Was it one of those magic days where you felt like you could run forever? Was your turnover quick, smooth and silent? Was it the kind of run that had you thinking a second run is in order and that you might fit it in later tonight? Or ... Did your legs feel like dead weight and every step an effort. Perhaps your lungs felt like they were stuffed with cotton and you found yourself gasping for breath? No matter how your run went, I'm sure you were proud that you got out there.  I bet when your run was over you had a feeling of satisfaction and a calmness that carried you on through your day and left you with a smug gleam in your eye. As always, no matter how it went, the run was a success, the only failure ... would have been skipping the run.
Be successful tomorrow,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who's run today was someplace in the middle. I felt OK, it was not as easy as I would have liked but for sure the numbers look good in my log. And yes, I'm proud I got out there.

P.S.: We'll be back for NONSTOP FUN in 2020! If you haven't checked our calendar lately... we suggest you do so! Resolve to get your butt out the door in the new year! RFEVENTS.COM/CALENDAR

2019-12 -19 - Midweek Run Mail

randy waterfallYes, I've been away from the keyboard, missing a week seems to lower the guilt level as I missed week two, then the slippery slope took over. Writing, much like running, is a target for the busy guns of life that seemed aimed to stop us in our tracks. Like no other time of the year, the holiday season puts our run on the front lines, parties, dinners, long, dark, cold winter days and cute cookies make getting in the daily run an almost unwinnable battle. We need to look for a hole in the line, pull on our gear and dash out, hopefully without being noticed. Don't worry about distance or the schedule, just get out, clear the head, break a sweat and sneak back into the fray. We'll get those weekly and monthly totals back in line in the New Year but for now ...
Just get out that door!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has no good excuse for my lapse in writing ... But I guiltily admit I have dirt on my shoes from running black diamond trails around Sedona, the paths in the big apple's Central Park and sand from some Florida trails, all in the past 3 weeks. I'm back!

P.S.: We'll be back for NONSTOP FUN in 2020! If you haven't checked our calendar lately... we suggest you do so! Resolve to get your butt out the door in the new year! RFEVENTS.COM/CALENDAR

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