2019-08-14 - Run time = Me time

randy freepIn this social world where so much is shared, the refreshing reality is that our runs are, for the most part, time alone with ourselves and our thoughts.  Yes, we may run socially with a group or a friend and will line up at a race to test ourselves with others but most of our daily runs are much needed "me" time. Daily runs give us the chance to recharge and blank out the busy world, a world that won't let up on us so it is our duty to carve out the time to run and bring what's important into focus. We will quietly slip back into our busy lives like a reset cell phone, working fast and efficiently and leaving us far more productive than if we skipped the run and let the world chew us to pieces.

Don't miss a step,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with so many reasons to be one.

P.S.: Escape your "real" life and set your soul free at Run Woodstock! Join us for 1, 2 or 3 days of PEACE, MUSIC & TRAIL RUNNING at Hell Creek Ranch in Pinckney, MI. September 6, 7 & 8 - REGISTER NOW!

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