2023.02.01- Don't just run

randy snowshoeI have a hard time with the non-aerobic stuff like strength and flexibility training, but understand they are needed to keep us off the injured list. Some of these windy or single digit days make it a bit easier to devote run time to this stuff and we will need this balance when we start upping the miles as winter moves on. So there! Now you have an excuse when the weather sucks, you can run short or skip the day. That said, I’m a fan of toe warmers, balaclavas and layer, any excuse not to get near a gym! Do as I say, not as …

Train smart, run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, looking at 5 degrees, sunshine, and no wind, not bad, the yoga and weights will have to wait!

2023.01.25 - Never question the run

snow hatAfter dressing in a laundry load of winter run gear and strapping traction on my shoes, I headed out the door and soon found myself slipping around on the trail. The wet snow was building up on my Yaktrax and soles like bricks that had me looking for logs to stop and scrape them off on. With all the time this took from my run, my left foot went numb … I was thinking, what the hell kind of sport have I chose to torture myself with? And then I fell. As I checked myself over and looked around, for the first time that day I was struck by the beauty of my environs. Snow was clinging to every branch, twig, tree and stump for as far as I could see. I was reminded that winter views in the wilderness are incredible. I decided to ditch the traction and this resolved the build up problem. Up and running, I was one with the natural world and the miles flew bye. Moral of the story?

Never question the run, only your approach to it,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner that should know better.