Obsessed Runner Blog
2023.10.04 - Running and Ego
A topic that is always current, especially with social media running applications like Strava. It makes perfect sense that we should not compare ourselves to others, we are completely unique, our age, genetics, work and family life, past injuries and medical issues make us who we are, and only we can know and take pride in what it took to get in these hard earned miles. That said, I find myself falling into this mental trap more times than I’d like to admit. I finish up a glorious fall, 4 mile, quick paced run and save it on Strava, then take a look to see what others are up to on this perfect morning, and see runs of 12 miles, 15 miles, whatever, done at a pace faster than my race pace. I should be thinking, it’s wonderful to see so many other, fit, healthy runners out there enjoying this day as I am, we are kindred spirits who get it, their run should not in diminish my effort in anyway but, dang, that ego.
You and your run are perfect,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is proud of every mile you put in, I get it, you get it. Amen.
2023.09.26 - Post Run Depression
With weekends like Run Woodstock and Dances With Dirt Hell behind us, especially those you who have focused for a year on these goals, it’s not unusual to be feeling low. That said, many of you still have your goal race coming, with the big fall marathons, half marathons, whatever. You will soon be in the same predicament, facing a void where focus once filled. To all of us in this ditch, may I suggest we think back to all the training and mental energy we used to get to these starting lines and to take pride in our commitment, regardless if the result was a personal best or a DNF, we did the work and had the courage to start. It’s up to us to savor the experience, every step, every thought. The race itself is just a piece of what we miss on these post event days, it’s so much more. You all deserve, or will deserve, a period of proud reflection of the entire experience. Enjoy some well-deserved rest, perhaps some days off, not just from running, but from the mental focus and single mindedness. Only you can give this gift of pride to yourself, nobody else can do this, only you know how amazing you are! You had the courage to embark upon this difficult journey, savor it.
Run proud, rest proud,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who still lays back some days to think through the miles of my races long past, something only we who have ran them, can understand and continue to enjoy.
2023.09.20 - A.I. will never run for you
The run is always hard, always worth it. This is the reason we run. In a world where everything else we do, we look for ways to make it easier and more efficient. On the other hand, the value of our run comes from its difficulty and the personal satisfaction we get from hard miles. For that reason, some days we set out to find more difficult routes, or even do hill repeats and extra hard intervals, proving the point. The run teaches us that doing hard things, perhaps the hard way, gives meaning to life and may be the only way to truly feel or be fulfilled.
Get out the door, the meaning of life is there to find,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who lives for the struggle.