Obsessed Runner Blog
2023.11.30 - Off Season Running
The long fall races are over and the last bit of pushing it ends with the Turkey Trots, then I go into what I call the off season. Your off season may fall differently but I believe the body needs a break from the schedule at some point. This break can be planned, or if injury sidelines you, your off season starts then. No, we don’t stop running but we can back off on our intensity, long runs, and total mileage. Off season during the holidays and the first in your face days of winter seems to fit most schedules. It’s a time to get out there for short sweet runs, just to stay consistent and not totally loose our base. Yes, off season does end, and eventually we have to do some hard work to build back up, but the body will be more receptive at that point. Seriously, the obsessed runner gets a bit wimpy for a month or two each year. I do take advantage of breaks in weather to sneak in longer runs, runs where the pace is easy, and my starving obsession is fed a bit. Enjoy a wimpy run today … or tomorrow! Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner whose mantra is, I love long dark windy winter days with poor footing. And I keep up with this mantra until I start to believe it. Ha.2023.11.22 - Run, fail, run
My friend Jeff trained for years and failed 11 times before finishing a 100 mile trail race. Diana Nyad trained all her life and put together a team and the financial backing 4 times, to attempt a record 100 mile swim from Cuba to Florida, finally making it at age 64. These efforts remind me of the Thomas Edison quote: I have not failed, I’ve just found 1,000 ways it won’t work, or Chumbawamba: I get knocked
Savor the pain, it may be all today’s run leaves us,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed, persistent runner, getting back up again, and again ...
2023.11.09 - Running alone
It’s hard to wrap our head around the idea that something so ordinary as a run, especially when doe alone, is often the most extraordinary experience of each day. There is something about a lone run, when we leave a warm house and family, and head out for the isolation and hard work of self determined miles with only ourselves to control what it takes to make it happen. Perhaps we run and escape comfort and belonging to appreciate them, and I believe just as importantly, to appreciate ourselves. A run with friends, often feels like a celebration, where we bring what we experienced alone and share our it with matched footfalls and breaths.
Every run is amazing, especially today’s, don’t miss it,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner on the mend. Thanks for the positive vibes. Back in normal rhythm and feeling good today after a few, tough, post-cardiac ablation days. 10 more restricted days before the run gets to do its healing magic. For now, I’m happy to be able to at least wander again.