Obsessed Runner Blog

2014-02-26 - Appointment to Run

randy runningPolar Vortex training seems to be working, why else would I feel 20 degrees and sunny is a perfect running day?

Speaking of weather, as we roll into March, it's time to ramp up our running and totally ignore the weather when it comes to our daily miles. Yes, respect the weather and dress and train appropriately for the conditions be they hot, cold, raining or whatever but don't skip your run due to weather. On race day, you will have no choice, you might as well train in all conditions so you know what works.

For the daily run to happen it needs to be on your schedule, nobody will just happen to find the time to run in this busy life. Your run deserves the priority of any other meeting in your planner. When you do this, you won't be lying to someone when you say you have a 3PM appointment you need to get to ... as you are changing into your running clothes!

Stick to the schedule,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who admits writing weekly emails that are directed at... me.

PS: A few spring styles are starting to bloom at Running Fit, stop on in, just seeing them can brighten your day and get you excited to run! When you're in, don't miss the winter rack of 50% off Polar Vortex running apparel! Ha!

PS: It's time to get back to GIVING BACK! Running Fit wants YOU. Coming up on the event calendar we have: Shamrocks and Shenanigans in Ann Arbor on March 9, the Martian Invasion of Races on April 12, and Trail Marathon Weekend April 26 and 27! Join us and VOLUNTEER NOW!

2014-02-19 - Dress for Success

2014-02-19 - Dress for Success

trevorHow many of the shirts in your closet or dresser are "tech" shirts? As a runner I'm sure there are plenty, and after a winter like this you are familiar with EVERY layer you own! Your running clothing may be considered "tech," meaning they are synthetics that move moisture and dry quickly, But alas, not all "tech" fabrics are created equal. Many even contain cotton (holds moisture and steals heat from your body). The first big difference are features like fit and construction. Then you have more technical features like reflectivity, UPF rating, and anti odor technologies such as S.cafe or Polygiene. When all of the technical features come together, the resulting products are vastly different in their performance.

How does that affect you? The layer against your skin may be your most important layer, especially your core. Moisture buildup is the leading reason you get cold on a run. The number one thing I find is that our customers are wearing the wrong base layer and overdress to compensate. Then they get sweaty, and  end up shivering and cold.

Keeping dry is your best defense against the cold on the run. In most weather a single quality base layer under a wind shell is all you need.  My favorite base layer top is a Smartwool 195 NTS crew (it also comes in a pant for those below zero mornings under your outer pant or tight).

Spring is around the corner but I need to get out for my daily run, so I am going to dress for success!

General Manager
Running Fit

PS: It's time to get back to GIVING BACK! Running Fit wants YOU. Coming up on the event calendar we have: Shamrocks and Shenanigans in Ann Arbor on March 9, the Martian Invasion of Races on April 12, and Trail Marathon Weekend April 26 and 27! Join us and VOLUNTEER NOW!

2014-02-12 - Stop, drop and plank

randy running As winter drags on, there are plenty of excuses for not getting out the door, but no excuses for ignoring your CORE! Running does not injure the runner, we do it to ourselves. If we run a lot of miles and do not balance it with an overall body work out, we create imbalance and open ourselves up to overuse pains. Again, this is our fault and not the fault of our running. Do those planks and get into a yoga routine!

When we layer up and get out there in the cold, the workload seems to triple from a fair weather run, for those of you who run for time and not mileage, I envy you on these winter days, dang.

Today I found a nice windless stretch behind a shopping center with clear pavement and sunshine. The 10 degree run was actually pleasant, a bit hamster-like as I ran back and forth over the third of a mile or so but nothing like the dreadmill. Get out there and find a sweet spot to get the run done!

Stop, drop and plank, right now!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner and as imbalanced as they come ... but promising myself to do more core, Namaste'.

PS: There is a distance for everyone at The Martian Invasion of races in Dearborn, MI on April 14th, offering 5K, 10K, 13.1 and 26.2 and a great expo, it's the perfect target for all of us!  Commit now at martianmarathon.com!

PS: GET SERIOUS! Running Fit's Serious Series is BACK. Three dates, three locations, three SERIOUS trail runs. Join us as we tour our favorite Southeast Michigan trails!

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