2014-04-16 - Gold Medal Memories

randy runningFor those of us who have been at the running game for many years our best times may be behind us, but perhaps not our best runs. In 2010 I ran Boston with my wife and son, a weekend that lives on in memory as a highlight of my running life ... And was my slowest Boston finishing time. All runs are not created equal, our fitness level, our mental and physical health, the weather, family, financial and career problems all come into play and the reality is that some of our most difficult runs, runs where we have our slowest times ever, runs when we have overcame so much just to finish, can live on as some of our greatest accomplishments. No matter what, get out the door, the run may change everything.

Sometimes it's not only the run itself, it's the daydreams that come along with an event you have committed to. My daughter invited my wife and I to run with her in a mountain trail run this summer. Just the thought of this run brings a bit of sunshine to each day and makes getting out the door less of a challenge. Make a plan, invite a friend, get out the door and create those gold medal memories!

Every step matters,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who is blessed, even when beaten.

PS: New spring 2014 Beginner Running classes at Running Fit!
If you or any of your friends have been considering giving running a try or if you have put in a few miles already but feel the need for a bit more information, this group is for you. If you are concerned about being intimidated by joining a running club or entering a race, this class is for you. Meet runners like yourself in a fun, informative atmosphere. Our hope is to motivate, inform and get you addicted to running! More Info here!

PS: Looking for the perfect FUN summer race, look no further than the Canton Liberty Festival 5K, 10K and 1 Mile! A new theme for 2014, STARS, STRIPES AND JORTS! Visit cantonlibertyrun.com for all the info!

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