2014-04-23 - Running into the ages

randy runningIt was great to see an American win at Boston for the first time in 30 years but what I really thought was cool was that Meb did this at age 38! If America's best distance runner is 38, it proves what a wonderful, life-long sport we have to age into. I was again reminded of this when my good friend Tony, who has been running for 30 years, ran a personal best half marathon at the Martian Invasion of Races last week, at age 69.

As for Meb, we are excited to announce that at 6:30 PM Tuesday May 20th, Running Fit Northville will be hosting a video conference with Meb using live broadcast technology. Runners in Southeast Michigan will hear Meb speak from his home in San Diego! This is an interactive event, so attendees will be able to see, hear and even talk directly to Meb. There is no fee but seats are limited, register here

Run smart, run long,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who looks for anything positive about moving up in the age groups!

PS: The May 2nd, Friday night Hightail to Ale 5K at Atwater Brewery in Detroit will hit its runner limit ... within hours of this email link going out! http://hightailtoale.com

PS: And speaking of reaching capacity, so will Tuesday May 20th live video conference with 2014 Boston Marathon Winner Meb K. at Running Fit Northville, 17783 Haggerty Rd. Sign up now!

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