Obsessed Runner Blog

April 21, 2009 - I had a bad long run experience.

Yo Run Gang,

On Friday, I had a bad long run experience, not unlike hitting the wall. I finished the last miles at a snails pace, hoping a car would hit me and put me out of my misery. After a run like this, I find myself afraid to head out the door, nervous about the outcome, even with a day off in between. After a bad run, we question why, over trained, under trained, diet, stress, depression, bad karma, or perhaps the wrong combination of things. Most often a bad run is a learning experience but sometimes, not, its just a bad run. No matter, shake it off, get back on that horse and ride!

Honest, this is not just a shameless plug! I got a new pair of running shoes today and cant wait to get them out on the road. Not only do I like trying on a bunch of shoes and talking to the staff about my shoe options but along with new running shoes come a slew of positive thoughts, feelings and motivation. Fresh shoes, fresh legs, new goals, new run plans, race plans and thoughts of roads and trails I can wait to travel. New running shoes, an investment with immediate and immeasurable returns, even while still in the box!

Trail race weekend! There is still room to enter the Road Ends 5 Mile Trail run on Saturday but Sundays Running Fit Trail Full & Half Marathons are sold out! Enter the 5 mile at www.trailmarathon.com. We are still looking for a few volunteers for Sunday. Not only will you get a voucher for a free race (You can even use it to run for free Saturday!), but you will get an invitation to the Dash & Burn volunteer party and will be giving back to the sport we love. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and say, count me in for a day in the woods!

The Umbuntu award is now on display in West Bloomfield, next week Novi!

Dont think, just get out and run,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner with clean shoes about to get dirty

December 2, 2009 - Your run will be rockin'

Yo run gang,

I just love winter running! The extra cushion from a light crunch of snow under my shoes, the sparkling frost that forms on my hat, the Yak Tracks I wrap around my shoes to give me a no slip macho feeling as I run recklessly across ice patches, mastering the environment. Ok, the truth is, winter is here and you might as well love it or leave it, no matter what you really think about winter So, I just love this long, cold, dark Michigan winter! The new tech clothing has made it easier to enjoy winter runs. If you are new to winter running, you will be surprised how few items you need to run through any conditions. (Shameless plug: With the sale on, see below, its a great time to layer up!) The goal now is to stay consistent and run and adapt to the weather as it changes so that when spring hits, your running will be rockin!

Run Snow!

Randy Step, an obsessed runner ready to attack the winter!

2012-12-05 - Has anyone seen the Obsessed Runner?

December 5, 2012

Yo run gang,

The daily run is under attack! The big guns are firing with full force: work parties, family gatherings, shopping that needs to get done, getting the house ready and the last minute invitations to lunch and dinner coming in like drone attacks! It's time to dig deep into our arsenal of secret weapons.

Break out the headlamps, reflective vest and flashlight and once the last person in the house is asleep, flee into the night and use up one of those 3 mile runs ... the shower may sound suspicious, shhhhhh. Have your running gear at hand at all times and keep an eye out for the opportunity to escape at a moment's notice! An example, if you get caught in holiday traffic, pull over, suit up and get in a run, no time lost and you'll be back before it all starts moving again! You get the idea. At the next holiday gathering they'll all know you have won the war when we see that you are the one who is relaxed, refreshed, smiling and patient in the frantic, party crowd, showing no wounds ... And they will wonder how you did it? Ha!

Run, party and smile,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... That said, read this stuff with a grain of salt then use your best judgment on how to proceed! Ha!

P.S. Reach your 2013 half marathon or marathon goal with Running Fit 501 training group! Visit the open house at Running Fit Northville on Wednesday December 12th at 6:30 pm (We suggest you sneak in a run just before the meeting, not to worry about a shower, we will all be in the same shoes!) 501 will take place out of Novi, Northville and Ann Arbor Running Fit locations, the Northville party is just a big, rah, rah, kick off to explain the program. More Info

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