Obsessed Runner Blog

2013-04-17 - We run as one

Yo run gang,
April 17, 2013

Randy...I've always known running can give us a bit of an escape from our feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration as we deal with the troubles of this world, but since the bombings in Boston, the run seems to have taken on a new sense of purpose and meaning. Every step feels like a dedication to those who suffered. Just heading out the door is like thumbing our nose at terrorists that are out to change our way of life and limit our freedoms. From the social media posts I read, everyone will be trying to qualify for Boston just to be there and show the terrorists that they have wasted their time.

We welcome home and congratulate all the Boston Runner's, especially the 22 members of the Running Fit 501 team and Running Fit  staff members: Lori (Novi Manager), Aaron Kosel (HQ) , Swim Coach Leslie Braun and Tom Artushin (West Bloomfield).

To celebrate your return, and to run in solidarity for Boston, Running Fit will be hosting "Runners For Boston" unity 4.15 Mile run/walk on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:30pm. Meet at Kensington Metro Park, East Boat Launch.  "Runners for Boston" is an event bringing the community of runners and supporters of runners together to show support for those affected in Boston on Monday, April 15th.  On the run, participants are invited to wear past/present Boston Marathon gear, gear sporting the iconic blue & yellow Boston colors or your favorite race shirt for the occasion.

Run as one,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed American runner.

November 19, 2008 - The weather is consistent!

Yo Run Gang,

The weather is consistent! Consistently MISERABLE! Yes its the off season, but a goal of getting out the door at a minimum of every other day should be a minimum. No mileage minimum needed, once you get out the door that part works out fine. Get out the door. Yes, I do repeat the important stuff!

Last week I mentioned shopping for value, bang for the buck, not spending on unnecessary stuff, garden statues come to mind As I packed my running garb today for my mid-day run, I noticed I always grab the same pair of CWX tights, my Peal Izumi Jacket, my Brooks mitts The point is, you dont need 10 of everything, just a couple of good pieces in each apparel category and you can run all winter. Run gear is all constructed from different variations of the same polyester fibers and good technical apparel wears like iron. Someone once asked, You paid $200 for a Gore-Tex running jacket?, my response, some people pay that much for a suit coat, just try wearing that 7 days a week and see how long it lasts. Seriously, I wear the same couple of jackets day after day, all winter long, year after year, talk about value.

Pull it on, lace em up, and you know what,
Randy Step, an obsessed and consistent runner

June 2, 2010 - Birthday

Yo Run Gang,

Birthdays are a celebration of life so why let age get in the way? After one hits adulthood the actual age of a person is not very relevant, actually, even keeping track of your age can be detrimental, you are either too young or too old, by just mentioning your age you open yourself up to age discrimination either way. Better to be judged by your accomplishments along the way.

This may not be a popular thought, but I believe age groups in running need re-thinking. I often get an age group medal that I would not have if I was in the next older age group where people ran faster than I did. This happens more often in the younger age groups ... so why should a younger age group winner get an award for running a time slower than an older runner?  Should you get an award just because no fast people your age show up?  Wouldn't it be better if the awards were given to the top so many % or runners, just based on time? Better yet, if you want to keep age groups, throw out any times of all runners who ran slower than anyone older than themselves, then calculate the awards. This would encourage us all to train that much harder. Just some birthday thoughts ... on my birthday!
This weekend brings us a Michigan classic, the race from Dexter to Ann Arbor. Point to point races seem to make more sense than running like heck, only to end up where you started! The race is sold out but it's fun to go to Ann Arbor anyway to enjoy this great city, the race weekend party atmosphere only adds to the fun, besides, you can take advantage of the race weekend sale at Running Fit (Sorry for the shameless plug!)
Run forever,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, of an irrelevant age!

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