November 10, 2010 - From the front lines

Yo run gang,

As the world continues to get more complex due to technology I can only bet the insanity rate goes up proportionately. Yikes! The down to basics psychological and physical freedom the run brings is becoming proportionally more precious. When it comes to scheduling your priorities, never underestimate the value of the daily run!

If our day to day lives seem complex and stressful, I can only imagine the what difficulties and stress our US military troops face, around the clock for their entire tours of duty in Iran, Afghanistan and every other dangerous places they are sent.  Keep them in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow, Veterans Day, and every other day they are out there on the line for us. I have received several emails from Running Fit customers on tours of duty telling me how much they appreciate the midweek mail. They explain the difficulties of getting in runs in dangerous combat areas, not to mention searing desert heat, but they do get them in, again, priorities. The attached picture shows Vernon Pratt and Company posted in Afghanistan, we sent them Run Woodstock T-shirts and other race goodies so they could participate from afar! Vernon and company, you ROCK!

Run and be safe,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner in the land of the free, where freedom does not come free.

Subject: Hey man, what can a Soldier do......

Man am I sorry I am not home for this run. Our unit is deployed to Afghanistan and there are a number of us who are avid runners; we enter any and all sponsored runs here on Bagram Airfield. I myself have sponsored a run initiative where Soldiers are rewarded for mileage totals; for 100 miles a certificate of achievement from me, 500 miles and coin of excellence from the Command Sergeant Major, and 1000 miles a coin of excellence from our Commanding General. Anyhow, would it be possible to obtain t-shirts from your run? I would love to show off your run which I think is totally cool.

Vernon Pratt

First Sergeant

 Woodstock Army

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