Obsessed Runner Blog

June 16, 2010 - Busy, busy...

Yo run gang,

Such a busy running life, my goal is to let you know about the coolest events this summer so you don't miss them. This weekend is the Running Fit "Sold out!"Flirt With Dirt trail run in Novi, for those that missed out consider joining us at the Legend 5 or 10 mile Trail run on July 31st. Do to the popularity and entry limits for trail events, you often need to enter early ... so enter now and enjoy a run in the wild at runlegend.com. I'm writing this from Devil's Lake in Wisconsin where I'm in the wilderness working (Ha) on our extreme premier trail series, "Dances With Dirt", the race is July 10th and makes a wonderful summer road trip. Rooms and camping available right at the start finish area at Devil's Head Resort. Enter at danceswithdirt.com . Yes, the short race 13.1 miles but you can even do it as a hike!
The T-Rex Tri series kicks off Wednesday July 23 with the Triceratops Triathlon followed by the Pterodactyl Tri July 21 and T-Rex Tri August 18th . These are perfect first timer events with a half mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5K run, yes, you can do this! A great midweek workout for the advanced athlete. The July and August races will sell out, enter now and get excited!  Runtrextri.com
The Red Carpet Run from the West Bloomfield Running Fit, Thursday August 12th , has all the glitz and glamour of a movie premier. A dress up run to strut your stuff on the red carpet! I just love this run, it gives me a chance to sweat in my tux! The website is as fun as the event, check out Redcarpetrun.com
I also like to sneak in some low key summer races in fun places like the Zoo. The Scleroderma 5 K Run and 2 Mile Walk Sunday, June 27 at the World-Class Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak, Michigan. Entrance fee for the 5K race includes an ALL DAY admission pass into the Detroit Zoo, all of the proceeds will benefit the Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter, www.firstgiving.com/31stwalk
Do it all,

2012-08-29 - Read on...

Yo run gang,


I find motivational running books and magazines can help get us out the door. The trick, pick up a running magazine or book and after a few pages, the excitement, or guilt, will set in and you will soon be in the training mind set. Motivational movies can do the same.

My latest summer read is "A life without limits", by Chrissy Wellington, the undefeated Ironman triathlete with 10 wins including 3 wins in Kona. The amazing part of her story is that she was not a serious athlete until the age of 30 when she found triathlon, and then found out she was not only a gifted athlete but the best in the world. This came as a shock to Chrissy and a life changer. Her story is a reminder to us all to keep exploring our potential. Other great books: "Once a Runner"; "Return to Carthage" and "Let's pick it up a bit". All available at Running Fit, of course!

Run, read, run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... Who is looking for the next good running book to share.

PS: Calling Volunteers! Please join me as a greeter for Run Woodstock on Friday September 7th in Hell, Michigan! A fun day of showing people to their campsites, and sharing the hippy vibe. You'll get cool hippy swag, pizza and great music to work to! Sign up as "Hippy Host" at https://runningfitevents.webconnex.com/roadies2012

2013-06-05 - New Shoes!

randy runningPart of our love of running comes from the no nonsense simplicity and convenience of the sport, no complicated or expensive equipment and it takes place, right out our front door. At times I feel I am a prisoner to a life that demands me to constantly learn new technologies to keep pace with the competition. The run allows us me to unplug, reboot and shut down all the life sucking applications running in the background. 

As the minimalist footwear craze started it seemed only natural for us runner types to be attracted to the idea, to take our sport to the next level of simplicity. The manufacturers jumped out in full force trying to capitalize on the new segment, creating hype and cashing in. Many of us found we could get away with a lot less on our feet than we were wearing but many of us suffered time away from the run from injury due to the need for the supportive footwear that worked for us or from not taking the time to let the body adapt to the change.

I'd say overall, the minimalist movement has been good for our sport, as we are coming out the backside of the craze with a focus on our running form, allowing for healthy changes in footwear to lighter, less controlling and more flexible models to ease into. Cool stuff!

Run efficiently,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner that is digging the new lighter faster shoes ... that still offer support.

PS: Shoes like the Saucony Kinvara 4 and the Saucony Ride 6 are proof that some great changes have taken place in footwear, beautiful, lightweight, responsive, shoes with amazing transition and ride not found in the pre minimalist world, making all old shoes ... old shoes! Got to have em!

PS: Yoga for runners takes place 10:30 - 11:30 AM Tuesdays at Running Fit Northville. Come join us, your core will thank you!  No experience necessary, no matter what your level of yoga experience you will benefit from Yogi Leslie's knowledge. Class fee $12. Register Here .  Namaste'


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