Obsessed Runner Blog

2022.02.23 - Running, writing, and magic

Randy Racing GearLike so many things that take discipline, without the mindset, nothing happens. Some days, the body, mind, or both, are just not having it. Runner’s block, writer’s block … Over time, and from small successes along the way, we learn the tricks as we jump the blocks and move forward. It’s just hard work but we do it, staying committed to the goal and the results. Results that when they come, for some unknown reason, feel like magic. Magic, because until you cross that finish line or finally hold your published book in your hand, you feel unchanged, then, Kaboom! OMG, I just did this? There is no “just” about it but the minute you cross that finish line, you have created a you that was never there before. Sure, the reality is that all the hours and hard work were done before the magic day but on that day, what you have accomplished finally becomes a part of you. The run, the book or whatever you worked so damn hard on instantly is there to forever enrich all aspects of life from that second on. Magic.

Let’s make the magic happen,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who, like magic, will forever be, a 2:45 marathon runner, a Kona Ironman finisher, and a published running writer … even if that 2:45 was 30 years ago!

2022.02.16 - My low-tech running playlist

snow_hat.jpgMany running events, especially trail races, for safety and common courtesy reasons, don’t allow ear pods. Based on the high percentage of runners wearing them, many may find it difficult or even a disadvantage to run without them. When they say, try nothing new on race day, that would include running with open ears. I do listen to podcasts on my phone later in my long runs so I get it on some level. That said, our brains have incredible storage and retrieval capabilities, and we all have endless playlists in our heads. It amazes me when I find myself recalling some horrible song in my head that I heard, maybe once, 30 years ago, fully orchestrated, and with no way to delete it! I was running trails today, starting off with CCR’s Green River in my head to warm up a bit. Once into it, I hit a long gentle downhill and instantly speeded things up by switching to Lady GaGa’s, I was born this way. Winded, and realizing I was not living in the moment, I cleared my mind and cruised the rest of the run in silence.

And the vision that was planted in my brain, Still remains, Within the sound of silence

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, because tramps like us, baby we were born to run. That said, rejoice and love yourself today cause baby you were born this way.


2022.02.09 - This obsessed runner walks

Randy Racing GearFast walking is quite a skill, for me, it takes concentration and constant diligence to hold the pace. As my mind wanders, I find myself wandering. This meandering may be good for my mental health but not much aerobic benefit. Also, fast walking is something I have no gift for, and I’ve tried. I’ve even had some coaching, learning to keep my hands up, elbows bent, pumping straight through with no cross over, a forward lean and a short quick stride. You would think as a runner I would be able to keep up with more serious walkers, but not so. Someplace between 14 and 15 minute per mile pace, I fade back and have to run a bit to get to catch up, knowing soon, they will dump me again! For those of you who have skill, natural ability or whatever, I stand in Awe. That said, over the last few years, I’ve added walking to my life, and by tracking my walks on my Strava app, I’ve found it accounts for 20% of my total mileage these days and I admit, I have grown to kind of like it.

The run still rules!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, bearing my soul for all to see.

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