Obsessed Runner Blog

2014-02-05 - Permission to Slog

randy running I'm giving everyone permission to get out the door for 5 minutes, stumble around, and call it a great achievement!  Your reward will await you!

Actually, with every run, no matter how short, far, fast or slow, our efforts are rewarded with a peaceful inner feeling, increased fitness and afterglow of personal satisfaction. Never do we feel like we wasted our time, even with a 5 minute slog in the slop! ... I do admit that the laundry we pile up this time of year, especially for a short run, sucks.

The feelings we experience after our daily runs are cool, the feelings we get after a race we plan for, train for and meet our goals at are the pearls of life, the ones that get etched in our memories, stand test of time and become a part of who we are. That 5 minute slog becomes a valuable piece of the whole.

Keep the faith,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who accepts turning into a slogger and jogger when the conditions warrant ... and some other days when my conditions warrant.

PS. Going, going, gone! Join us this coming weekend, February 7,8, and 9 for the Winter's Best deals on apparel and accessories! Save 20-50% off all of our favorite winter apparel pieces.

2014-01-29 - When you need just a little more

randy running On the way into work on southbound US-23 I passed a McDonald's billboard with the slogan: "When you need just a little more", referring to adding a couple $1 menu burgers to an already oversized meal. I also passed Taco Bell who advertises: "4th meal, late night food".  On the way home on northbound US-23 I passed a billboard for smart liposuction, ironically, just about across from the McDonald's billboard. I'm guessing the price of adding a few $1 menu items would pale in comparison to the price of "Smartlipo!"

For those of us working to live a healthy, active life we find this all disgusting but perhaps ... A motivational reminder that there is hope for us to escape the unhealthy messages that surround us. How many of you read "When you need just a little more", thought of getting in a couple extra miles! I bet I'm not alone.

Fight the good fight, bundle up, and get out there!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who understands that if I add an additional 370 calorie Bean Burrito off the "Value menu", I get to run an extra 4 miles!

PS: Just a reminder that Running Fit is open! Yep, running and retail are suffering from a brutal winter. This Fri - Sun. we are out to pay the rent and salaries by raising some cash. The deal, $25 off a ton of current model shoes! We call it the no wimp sale, to reward you for getting out to shop ... and RUN!

PS: Join the fun people at the Super 5K on Sunday morning! You'll get a medal, a pint glass and a Super 5K beanie cap to wear to the Super Bowl party, not only showing you deserve your spot on the couch but you will setting an example and motivating others to join you in your active fun lifestyle, register now! Injured? Just want to help out? Come join us at the Super 5K, Volunteer here!

2014-01-22 - Sign Up and Run

randy runningAll we need is to squeak through January with some minimum amount of running and we'll be ready to start what I call "the running season" next month. We have one last shot at a winter race where fun is the goal and time and place take a back seat. Join me Sunday, February 2 and take on the Super 5K in Novi before watching the Broncos take on the Sea Hawks. Like a Turkey Trot, The Super Bowl 5K is a big party run before a day of tailgate food and a well deserved spot on the couch. The 5K finisher's pint glass can be put immediately to use! We have a big heated indoor space to stay warm before and to hustle into after. Invite your non-wimp friends and enter at runsuperbowl.com. Did I mention an amazing finisher's medal? Don't want to run? We are still looking for volunteers! HUT, HUT, VOLUNTEER!

Planning out your event year will keep you motivated and on track. Entering an event and signing on the bottom line is a contract to yourself, you are committing to train and will be ready when race day arrives. Notice how I repeat the important stuff! And yes, I suggest the events put on by Running Fit because the passion our crew has for running is directed into every detail of what we do. We understand your commitment to training and that you have put your trust in us by putting down your, hard to come by, discretionary dollars, to enter our events and shop in our stores and we aim to deliver. See runningfit.com/calendar.

Commit, train, and succeed,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... Who admits to just squeaking by with the minimal mileage I need to get to February!

PS: There is a distance for everyone at The Martian Invasion of races lands in Dearborn, MI on April 14th, offering 5K, 10K, 13.1 and 26.2 and a great expo, it's the perfect target for all of us!  Commit now at martianmarathon.com!

PS: Join us Tuesday January 28 at Running Fit Northille for a Lecture series from Extreme Ultramarathoner Dr. Taner Damci as he shares his experiences racing around the globe. RSVP here

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