2014-04-03 - Your Run IS Your Own

randy runningWritten on the Temple of Apollo are the words, "Know yourself, so you may live the life peculiar to you, the one and only life you were born to live." I have a yoga DVD by Brian Kest where he states, "There are no health benefits to being stronger than someone else, we all have different life experiences, different bodies, different minds, how can we compare? ... Don't be dominated by ego, find something that is tangible ... "

Running is wonderfully personal, it allows us to spend quality time with ourselves and discover who we are. We alone know the effort we are putting into our runs and when the pace is easy or hard. Our personal records really are personal, they come from the bodies we were born with and the way we choose to train them. Yes, we can read and listen to coaches and others about how to train but it comes down to what works for us and feels right, and fits into our complicated lives. When we follow our own path and accomplish our personal goals, it means more to us than any outside praise ever could. If your goal is to run a 5k in 36 minutes and youi meet that goal, the personal pride you get may show in your radiant smile. The first place runner in the same 5K may have ran 15 minutes but was hoping to run 14, perhaps happy to win and smiling, but not a smile as bright as yours ... but who is comparing!

Your run is your own,

Randy Step, and admitted obsessed runner, who just finished the Ann Arbor Half Marathon in the middle of the pack ... and based on how life and running has been lately, on top of the world!

PS: The Martian Invasion of Races takes place on Planet Earth, April 12th. Join the Running Fit crew for a morning of personal fulfillment as you reach your early season goal in either the 5K, 10K , half marathon or full! Enter at martianmarathon.com. For a different feeling of fulfillment, volunteer opportunities are also available here.
PS: What's New at Running Fit?

Spring Apparel is rolling in and we have a couple of smaller boutique brands that we think our customers will love!

Tasc- All natural, chemical free Bamboo fibers offer an alternative to traditional performance apparel. Check out why they use Bamboo here

Lija- An exclusive ladies only line of tanks, shirts,skirts, jackets, and capris. These pieces are fashion forward with high performance features.They were recently featured in "Women's Fitness Magazine." Learn more

Lija and Tasc currently available at  Running Fit locations in West Bloomfield, Northville, Downtown Traverse City, and Ann Arbor on Washtenaw.

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