2013-11-13 - You are a Runner!
On Sunday I spent a couple hours shopping at Running Fit. It's a busy life and even though I'm surrounded by the store most days, the time it takes to browse, shop and relax needs to be put on the schedule to get to it. As I listened to the banter on the floor between the customers and staff I heard some wonderful accounts by new runners describing the feelings experienced when they realize that they really, are a runner! A common theme: "I worked up to running a mile and it was no fun and a lot of work, I finally ran 2 miles without walking and collapsed thinking my goal of running a 5K would never happen. I've kept at it and yesterday I actually ran 4 miles! Now running a mile no longer scares me, it's nothing! I am so excited to line up for the 5K and I deserve good shoes!" The moral of the story, if you need inspiration, just hang out in a running store and listen!
Back to shopping ... My Smartwool socks have treated me well but a few holey pairs need to go, I grab 4 new pairs of the same style and color as before, why mess with success. And although I think of myself as being a bit of shoe hound, the reality is that my current stash does not include a pair with under 150 miles on them, I guess it's a good sign ... I grab a pair of Brooks Cascadias for the trails and a pair of my current go to road shoe: the Mizuno Elixir ... that I find has changed names and lost some weight, it's now the Wave Sayonara. Actually, I kind of like when a shoe I like has an update, it makes me feel adventurous and not the creature of habit, that in reality, I may be. Lastly, I grab a 30 split Timex watch ... to replace the 2nd one I've lost this year. I leave the store excited, inspired and ... ready to run ... but first I needed to find my car keys ...
You'll never forget the moment you realize, you are a runner!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... who remembers my first 2 mile run and the feeling of excitement for the sport, one that continues to grow after all these years.
2013-11-20 - Run, because you can
Run, because you can - Novenber 20, 2013
I am a fan of the line: "this is not a dress rehearsal." Every day is precious and what really makes this true is that this very day might be our last. Yes, we may be training for a goal event, saving money for some future purchase or working on some elaborate long term project ... But this stuff all depends on what tomorrow brings. We know that it's important that we take time each day and live in the moment, it takes effort, but the effort is always rewarded.
Our run fits this live in the moment requirement pretty well. That said, no matter how passionate we are about our daily run, it still takes an effort to leave all those projects behind and get ourselves out the door each day. When we finish our run, we realize how important the run was to our lives and we are always happy we ran. So why in the heck don't we have that same feeling and realization as we contemplate getting out for our run? We do get out the door and we do run ... but not often is it easy. This continues to baffle me, but it is what it is.
Get out and run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... who still needs a reminder of why.