2013-12-11 - Jiggle the fat

randy texas'Tis the season when the daily run is getting attacked from all sides, endless parties and treats, finding time to shop, bad footing, wind, cold and short dark days. Yikes! This is no time for running heroics that may be doomed to failure, it's time to hunker down and just commit to the basics. Promise yourself to just get out the door for a minimum of days for a minimum of miles, something realistic, just enough to take in some fresh air and jiggle the fat. We can come back in January without too much erosion of our base, ready to ramp up to greatness!

Speaking of short days, this is the time to be safe and be seen. While you're out shopping at Running Fit this weekend, buying your friends and family gifts that will change their lives, check out the sale on reflective vests, jackets, headlamps and strobe lights that will let you own the night!

Run off what you can, we'll burn the rest in January,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, getting in the minimum December miles to keep the wiggle to a jiggle!

PS: What the heck, you need to get in your run and finish your holiday shopping (at Running Fit!) anyway so why not join us for some silly, sweaty fun!

THE FREE FIT 5K! 6:00PM Wednesday Dec. 18, Washtenaw County Farm Park, just across the street from the new Running Fit Arbor Hills. Shirts for the first 100 to RSVP! Expect a not so serious trail run in the dark. Bring head lamps, flashlights and holiday flashy stuff to light the night! Fit 5K mug awards 100% deep in all age groups, finish your year with a win! RSVP HERE!

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