2015-09-09 - Run so you can help
PS - Join us this fall for one of the wildest SKEDADDLES out there! Scrumpy Skedaddle 5K and 10K at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 4th is JUST what the doctor ordered... an apple a day, right? Join us for a scamper around the orchards. runscrumpy.com
2015-09-02 - Smile, Laugh, Run
We run to give ourselves the personal time we all need. We run to unplug, reboot and erase some of the built up stress of life, getting it back to a manageable level. We run to nurture ourselves. So, how is it that at times we find ourselves stressing over aspects of our running? Things like our pace, missing a workout on our schedule for a good reason or no good reason, or disappointment at not running a goal time.
Perhaps when we find ourselves stressing over the run it might help to remember the reasons we run. The run is what we do for enjoyment and when this is not the case let's try to take our minds back to a time that getting out for a run once a week was a joy, when we were proud of ourselves for running any distance at any pace. The only thing to take seriously about the run is the fun, we can let the rest go!
Smile, laugh, run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who wastes a lot of time reminding myself to enjoy this amazing running life. Gheesh!
PS: That said, It's time to get back to the land and set your soul free! The healing weekend of Run Woodstock is just over a week away, dig? Music, yoga, hikes and running... 5k to 100 freakin' miles! Join us at Runwoodstock.com.