2015-08-05 - Special days, special runs

dwd startIt's a busy and amazing life where the days can zoom by and the memories blur together. That said, there are special days and events that are incredibly vivid and stay with us forever... the precious pearls. The running year and many of our daily runs give us constant satisfaction but like all in life, there are running days that are etched into memory for all of time. Each year, the Dances With Dirt Relay in Hell, MI fits this bill for many of us. The energy and carnival atmosphere at the race start and the early exchange points are some of the most amazing moments I've experienced in running ... And this comes from a guy who lives the sport and its' events!

Yes, the Hell relay sells out each year with the same 5 person teams and getting in seems impossible ... BUT! I just was notified by the park that they will allow us another 10 teams this year. If you've ever wanted in here is your chance. Grab 4 friends and click this link to grab a spot!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who can't wait to get to HELL, MI.

PS: We are all in need of the healing powers of Run Woodstock, a weekend escape from reality. Run or walk the trails from 5K to 100 freakin' miles, dig it! Great music, nature and beautiful people. Camp out on the land and let your soul free with walk in camping ... Or just come for a day, the important thing is to take the time to nurture yourself, do this  today, enter at runwoodstock.com.

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