2015-11-18 - Hire a Runner
Runners have energy, endurance, are self-directed and understand long term goal planning. We take what we learn in training and use these skills in our work and family life. Our daily run and our work bring new challenges every day, we take hills head on and push to the top of each one until we are totally spent, then we dig to discover more within us and go the extra mile. If you want something done, hire a runner! There is also a good chance a runner will have less sick days. That said, you might have to install a shower for maximum efficiency.
Live and work like you run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... Who would hire myself!
PS: Ease up and lick your wounds, the serious run season is over. Perhaps enter the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile, December 12th, then take a silly winter road trip romp in the snow at the Bigfoot 5 or 10K Snowshoe run in Traverse City January 23rd, then party and run on Super Bowl Sunday at the Super 5K February 7th. Just enough commitment to get us out the door this winter so we will be ready to ramp up again for the new season!
2015-11-12 - Don't let ego ruin your running
I read a FB comment, "Sure glad I got my miles in today before I came down with this awful cold." As runners, this is the mentality that leads to days off due to sickness or pain. A smart comment would be, "I sure wish I had skipped todays run, I might have been able to duck getting sick." Our sport requires us to read our bodies closely looking for clues that tell us when to back off, drop out of a race or train and race hard. We follow schedules, have weekly mileage goals and some of us even share this info on social media, all of this brings pressure to perhaps sneak in just one more mile, often when we know we are pushing the limit, one more mile that might just cost us a month of mileage, dang.
Run smart, forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner for over 35 years, who makes less stupid mistakes now, but still lets ego get in the way occasionally ... but less and less! A work in progress.
PS: Ease up and lick your wounds, the serious run season is over. Perhaps enter the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile, December 12th, then take a silly winter road trip romp in the snow at the Bigfoot 5 or 10K Snowshoe run in Traverse City January 23rd, then party and run on Super Bowl Sunday at the Super 5K February 7th. Just enough commitment to get us out the door this winter so we will be ready to ramp up again for the new season!