2015-10-21 - The Ice Man Runneth!

randy sunglassesThe only part I don't like about long running events is the taper and the recovery, they cut into the enjoyment of the daily run. I'm writing this the day after the Freep, a beautiful fall day and I'm too sore to get out there, dang. The season is about to wind down with the serious races behind us but I do look forward to the fun races like the Holiday Hustle 5K on Saturday December 12th and Super 5K February 7th, races that keep us motivated to run through the winter. That said, there is one last trail run, the Vasa 5k, 10K, and 25K in Traverse City on November 14th. A fun off- season road trip to what is sure to be a cold, rugged challenge, without a wimp in site! Soon to be referred to as "The Ice Man Runneth!" Join me, then we will deserve some easy days.
Train, taper, race, recover, train,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner here at RF Events, where we have planned your 2016 running year so you don't even have to think, just run and enjoy these amazing races. 2016 Calendar

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