2015-11-04 - Run uninhibited!

randy sunglassesRunners are creatures of habit. We often run the same routes at the same pace with the same equipment and often with the same mindset for every run. Habits can add to our consistency but they can also limit our enjoyment of the sport in ways we will never know, until we break out of our comfortable ways. One habit I've broken is running past interesting stuff like great architecture or natural wonders, without stopping to really check them out. I was running every run like a race where the clock never stops, worried about recording my pace per mile or whatever. I now stop, perhaps post to social media or just mentally take in the pearls that now make each run more special and valuable to me.  And yes, it sure makes my pace look bad on the run application on my phone and I'm kind of proud of myself for no longer caring ... And understanding that nobody else does either, duh.
Look for more in every run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is enjoying new found freedom from stuff that only existed in my mind anyway. 

PS: Join me in Traverse city on November 14th for what is sure to be a cold and challenging run through the majestic beauty of the north woods. Bring it on. http://runvasa.com/
PS: We at RF Events have planned your 2016 running year so you don't even have to think, just run and enjoy these amazing races. http://rfevents.com/images/2016Calendar.pdf

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