Obsessed Runner Blog

March 23, 2011 - From the ashes

Yo run gang,

Thanks to injury, sickness and all that life throws in our path, every healthy running day is a gift.

But we runners are like the Phoenix, after the crash we have the ability to look through the smoke and ash for a route that allows us to crawl back to standing.  We then put one foot in front of the other until we are running once again.

My favorite Steve Prefontaine quote: To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

We owe it to the running community to volunteer, at a minimum, for one run per year, why not get it done early? There is a time to run, and a time to give back. The Martian Invasion of Races is Saturday April 2nd. For those of you not running, consider joining me as a volunteer. You'll get the infamous "Obey Me!" volunteer shirt a $30 voucher for a future Running Fit event and you get to put your special touch on the event, making it a special day for 7,000 fellow runners! Click here to volunteer!

Don't waste a single running day,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner, soon to be well again!

PS: Hey, we especially need some lead cyclists for the Martian Invasion so the lead runners don't have to think, just run! Click here to volunteer. 


PS: Running Fit is hosting a Job Fair on April 6th! Click here for more info.

2012-11-07 - Ah, Youth.

Yo run gang,

Randy gets a week off as his partner Steve shares some running thoughts...

As most parents I have been to my fair share of band concerts, science fairs, and athletic events over the years. Available to congratulate or console as needed. It is part of the parenting package, one of the rewarding parts.

But this fall I have discovered a more selfish agenda in being a "cross country dad".  While I have certainly enjoyed witnessing my son race and compete for his high school cross country team, I have also found this experience to be immensely inspirational. From the warm-up jogs around the course to dry heaves in the chute I am inspired. I am not talking about reliving any glory days like a Springsteen song or being born again. More and more I just had a desire to feel what they were feeling. So I took an inventory of my own dedication and appreciation of this sport of running. I really didn't change the quantity or quality all that much, just dialed it up a notch and got a new vantage point. I like to think my running is now like my TV, in HD. I became more consistent, more connected, more inspired.

And as I got more self indulged in my training, this carried over to other areas of my life. Suddenly I was not just inspired to go for a run, but to go chase a dream, to take a risk, to feel desire, to get out of my comfort zone. I was inspired to look at how I could be a better husband, neighbor, co-worker. All this from witnessing a bunch of teenagers laying it all on the line, totally exposed, grinding out five kilometers. Selfish me. Thanks kids.

--Steve Angerman, a lifelong passionate runner.

PS: Help inspire the youth of America to this running life and perhaps find some inspiration yourself. Check these out:   Martian Kid's Marathon    Girls on the Run

February 11, 2009 - I got new running shoes today!

Yo Run Gang,

Ahhhh, running in shorts! Yesterday gave me a bad case of spring fever, somehow I better get back in the winter mind set before Michigan slaps me silly Is it really only February?

I got new running shoes today! You may be thinking, big deal; the guy owns a running store for gosh sakes. True, but I always put in 300 miles in the shoes I run in before I ditch them, so as I close in on the magic 300 number I start getting excited and into shoe shopping mode. A simple pleasure in our simple sport and new shoes always help get me out the door. Hmmm I guess that means you should buy new shoes when the weather gets bad!

I just came across my misplaced DVD movie Without Limits (On the life of Steve Prefontane), my favorite running movie of all times. Now, I get to plan a winter movie night, curl up in a blanket and enjoy, another of those simple pleasures! If you have not seen it, or have not seen it in a while, get out and rent it (Find it) this weekend! A Warner Brothers film.

I just heard the weather, wind gust up to 50 mph how can I put a positive spin on that I think Ill head downwind and for a PR!

Run like the wind,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, about to get my new shoes wet and dirty, yeah!

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