Obsessed Runner Blog

2020.12.16 - Midweek run mail from a best selling running author

randy winter Lack of human companionship due to COVID-19 and endless cold, gray days are taking a toll. I headed out this morning into an icy wind, I overdressed a bit to help mentally get my butt out the door and to take the initial slap out of it, knowing I would regret the layers after a while as I started to sweat and create more of a chilling problem. When I do this I will often wear a pack to take off layers or to add them, usually just on the long run, a mistake not to have had it today. Live and learn, sometimes. Anyway, we ran along in a silent cold funk but getting it done. Once home, into a hot shower, and now sitting here all cozy with a cup of tea, I’m feeling fulfilled, thinking, what a valuable and awesome run I got in. The moral of this? We run to experience the high highs and the low lows. At this difficult time, it’s as close as we get to feeling totally awake, alive, and living in full color.

Never easy, always worth it, especially now.

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has a shameless plug to share, BUY MY BOOK, gift my book, enjoy my book, and “Get Your Butt Out the Door!” FIND IT HERE

2020.11.13 - Beaver Miles

randy ironI’m having an up day on the Covid rollercoaster. I usually don’t talk specifically about my running but I’m taking some personal satisfaction with my weekly trail half marathon streak during Covid. I’ve been enjoying the motivational monthly challenges from our incredibly creative RF Events Crew, and my weekly 13.1 miles fits nicely with the mileage goals. Yes, I tear up each weekend as another live event that would have happened pops up on my daily alerts. The Bonfyre trail run would have been Saturday, what a glorious day it would have been, I think the post race party would have gone on till sunset, dang. Until live racing is back, if you have not joined a challenge, consider joining me on the HolliYAY 50K in December, just after November’s Beaver Moon has set! Yep, the RF Events Crew is creative, to say the least.

Get in some frosty Beaver miles today,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is also smiling today because I have just finished putting together a book, 365 reasons to get your butt out the door, a daily motivational journal, more to come on this but the goal is to ship them before Christmas. Shameless plug, the perfect gift!

2020.11.06 - The Courage To Start Again

randy iron We miss couple days of running, this turns into a week of not running, then … A slippery slope that can take us to no running at all and a gray cloud that hangs over us as we are reminded daily, when we see runners out there, that we are off the wagon. If getting back to the run was easy, I would not be writing this. The time we put aside for the run gets swallowed by a busy life and our loss of fitness becomes a barrier of pain we know will be in front of us when we attempt to run again. So, what will get us back to being a runner? Courage. Remember, you had the courage to start, the courage is within you to start again.

Start again, smile, hurt, and be proud.

Randy step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows there have been some bad days... but the run has been there for me.


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