Obsessed Runner Blog

2022.03.16 - The high value run miles

randy ecuador200I just finished a long run and the final miles were a painful struggle, so difficult in fact, that I totally forgot that that’s why the heck we run long runs! All those early miles that go by easily are necessary, they get us to the high value miles, the ones we came for, the miles that prepare us for the next longer run. So, when the hurt hits, say to yourself, finally, the good stuff!

Grimace, then smile, suffer and grow,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, with a lousy memory when it comes to pain …

2022.03.09 - You can skip the run

Randy Racing GearWhen it comes to the daily run it’s a personal choice if we run, or skip it. We sometimes need to be reminded that, this is what we do for fun! As my friend John A. says, “If it’s not fun, don’t do it!” Life throws a ton of stress our way, stress we may have little control over. Running on the other hand, might come with some stress but it’s stress we put upon ourselves, stress we control. So, go run and beat yourself up on the run, but don’t beat yourself up if you skip the run or the run goes bad or race goes bad or any negative aspect of running, even an injury. When you finish a run, if you’re not smiling it’s time to rethink things.

Run, smile, repeat, or don’t run, it’s OK!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who just took 3 days off, mostly by choice … And I am writing this as a reminder to myself as usual!

2022.03.02 - Running, pain, and joy

Randy Racing GearRunning seems so simple, one foot follows another as we go from point A to point B. The reality is much deeper. Running is difficult on many levels. It is physically hard, taxing all systems of the body from muscles, tendons and ligaments to the lungs, heart, veins and arteries. Runnning is mentally difficult from the time management required to fit the run in to our busy lives to the constant struggle with our brain and body trying to convince us to walk. To the non-runner, the big question must be, why? To the runner, especially just after finishing a few, or many, punishing miles, the answer to this question is as complicated and deep as the run itself, perhaps with no adequate way to explain the pure joy of what we just did, without experiencing it.

Let’s go earn that joy,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who often feels miserable during the run but always finishes feeling grateful for what the run has given back to me, exponentially more than what I put into it. Amen.

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