Obsessed Runner Blog

2015-01-14 - The winter run is a gift

randy sunglassesThere is much to say about the uptick in self-esteem we get from putting in a snow covered run at freezing temps. Yes, it's never easy getting out the door but nothing good is easy. Over dress, run smaller loops from your bail out point to be safe, this will also allow you to throw off layers as you warm up, wear traction control like Yak Tracks, reflective gear if it's dark or you go in and out of darkness. Throw in some trail running for additional creds to yourself! As Running Fit Manager Steve Angerman says, there are no bad run days, just improper dressing for them.

Get out and take command of your environment!

Randy Step, and admitted obsessed runner who enjoyed a killer, 5 degree, 5 mile, hilly trail run with fellow RF Event staff member Iron Mandy.

P.S. Have you heard? Registration is now open for the most Jurassic midweek sprint triathlon series around, the T-Rex Tri Series! Join us June 17, July 15 and August 12 for a jaunt on the wild side!

P.S. Back by popular demand, Yoga for Runners with Kristina! Starting Tomorrow January 15th. This is a 6 class series with a focus on poses that will help you run more efficiently and stay injury free. Two weeks will be spent on each topic: Core, Power, Recovery.

P.S. Train With Us! Running Fit 501 and Bayshore Half Marathon and Marathon Training classes are starting soon. Kickoff/informational meetings on 1/10 at 8:30 am for Ann Arbor, 1/21 at 6:00pm in Northville, and 1/25 at 3:30 pm in  Get the details here

2015-01-07 - "Stick" with the program

randy sunglassesWhen Caesar created the Julian calendar, he thought it would be appropriate for January, Janus' namesake month, to be the doorway to a new year.. As for New Year's resolutions, January was just a bad choice, perhaps if Julius lived in Michigan, the year would start in spring, it would just makes sense. We could work to change this but I'm guessing it would be more difficult than getting people to call the half marathon a Pikermi...

That said, it's time to plan the year, ease into training and get on a roll. I stress "ease into training" because too much too soon is the norm for fitness resolutions, leading to pain and failure. A rule of thumb: Don't increase any activity more than 10% per week, example, run 10 miles one week and up it to 11 the next.  (Side note: The 'rule of thumb' means upping your running more than 10% will inflict as much pain as if you were beating yourself with a stick larger than the width of your thumb)

Run smart, run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... with a bit of foot pain from running 6 days in a row, yes, I write this stuff to myself.

P.S. Train With Us! Running Fit 501 and Bayshore Half Marathon and Marathon Training classes are starting soon. Kickoff/informational meetings on 1/10 at 8:30 am for Ann Arbor, 1/21 at 6:00pm in Northville, and 1/25 at 3:30 pm in  Get the details here.

P.S. Yoga For Runners with Kristina is back. This is a 6 class series with a focus on poses that will help you run more efficiently and stay injury free. Two weeks will be spent on each topic: Core, Power, Recovery.

PS: 2015 New Year's resolution list is linked here for all the world to see ... To guilt us to success!

2014-12-31 - A work in progress

randy sunglassesI'm a fan of New Year's resolutions, regardless of the stories of failure, sometimes just a week or two into January. Change does not come easily but does not come at all without effort. We can all come up with a list of bad habits, poor health and diet choices to resolve to work on ... And then there're those darn virtues that will make us a better person ...

Discipline enables a person to achieve the goal of running a 26.2-mile race or running 20 miles a week ...
Kindness towards someone who is having a bad day can make him or her smile and build rapport.
Creativity can result in an idea that changes how people relate to one another such as social media.
Trust in a relationship fosters dependability and intimacy, creating valuable, meaningful relationships.
Gratitude in a job loss can shift our focus from feeling low to how we can have a new, more fulfilling career.
Service to others can change lives, better neighborhoods and create stronger nations.

Let's make a commitment to ourselves and have the courage to start. Yes, we might fail but yes, we might change.

I'd love for you to share your one most realistic resolution with me, perhaps just writing it down and knowing someone else will read your resolution will add the motivation needed to make you a success. I'll post a link to the list in a future midweek of your resolutions and we can motivate each other to greatness. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: "resolution". (Please, just a one liner)

Just do it,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner and a work in progress.

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