2015-03-04 - Run, live, smile, die

randy winterThe next time someone tells you that running might not make you live longer, just tell them that's OK, I'm just hoping for some compression of morbidity, they will then slink off to google it. The theory, would you rather be living it up and running  every day until you are 80 and then just drop dead or would you rather live a sedentary life, develop congestive heart failure at 80, spend 10 years in a nursing home with multiple disease factors, perhaps Alzheimer's and no quality of life, then die at 90?

Get out the door and compress that dang morbidity,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner, who runs many miles each week with my nurse practitioner wife, Dr. Kathy (Doctorate in nursing practice) who specializes in geriatric medicine. Enough said.

P.S. - Have you heard? Registration for the Canton Liberty Run is now open! Join us June 20, 2015 for a 5K, 10K or 1 mile! NEW theme for 2015; Red, white, blue and don't forget your TUTU!

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