2015-03-25 - Light a fire

randy runningToday I was the speaker for a lunch series on fitness at the Toyota Tech Center in Saline. I was reminded that when people give running a try, as one woman put it, "it just sucks". It struck me that the truth is, when we try a new physical activity that our bodies and minds don't have a feel for, this makes sense. Nothing good comes easy, especially in running. The benefits come slow but continue to grow as we stick with it. Personal records, increased self-esteem and the pure joy of the runs that are effortless can't be experienced without putting in some hard time at the beginning. For sure this needs to be stressed to the new runner. I think minimally, we should ask them to commit to 3 days a week for 4 weeks while keeping a log that tracks pace, distance and weekly total. This might get them over the first hurdle. The motivational thought of knowing they have a 4 week streak of runs, that will end if they give it up, might be just what they need to keep the fragile little flame lit long enough to get to the blazes of personal glory.

Help someone start a fire,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who's kind of like a running arsonist!

PS: It took the Mars rover robot 11 years and two months to complete its very own Martian Marathon! Come see how you match up at THE Martian Marathon and Invasion of Races on April 18, 2015 in Dearborn, MI, Earth!

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