Obsessed Runner Blog

2015-02-04 - Don't miss today

randy sunglassesAs we make plans for tomorrow and worry about the future, we rob ourselves of today. The worry is a waste. What we do today, the way we live today, will set us up for the future. Trust your instincts to live, love and learn today the way you want to everyday going forward and it becomes what you do. Tomorrow, you will live for tomorrow and it will be even better than today.  An example: head out the door to enjoy the adventure of today's winter run. Yes, It's cold, windy, grey and the footing is awful but you know you will be immediately rewarded for your effort by feeling in command, getting outside these man-made confines and enjoying the natural wonders of nature. You will be building the strength in the ancillary muscles needed to control yourself in the snow and to make you a more powerful and versatile runner tomorrow. You will also be increasing your capacity for endurance, the reality is that you are training for an even more exceptional run tomorrow. You will be ready to race and be able to run longer, not by planning but by living and doing!

Live, run, and more will come,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, today.

PS: Love is in the air... We love running, fellowship and fun. Join us for a fun run that includes chocolate, wine and flowers on February 12th. Who knows, you may meet a like minded runner to celebrate Valentine's Day with! Running Fit - Northville location, 6:30PM. Questions: 248.380.3338

PS: Get ready to go INTERGALACTIC with RF Events! Join us for the Martian Invasion of Races on April 18! The perfect spring race with a distance for everybody. Check martianmarathon.com for more info, NANU, NANU!

2015-01-28 - Running = Peace

randy sunglassesWith so much uncertainty, our running passion can be the constant that make sense out of a world that often does not seem to make any sense at all. In these fast changing times, job security is a notion of the past, add to that technological advances happening so often that keeping pace adds a stress to our lives never experienced before. And then there is terrorism that is absolutely insane, a country so divided ... You get the point. Running is always there for us, just out the door ready to clear our heads. Running, an unplugged, back to the basics experience that resets us mentally and physically . When the world drags us away from our daily run, it's great to know the run waits patiently for us and always welcomes us back.

Keep your log, keep the faith,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is about to close this laptop, put on a bunch of layers and head out on the trail to reboot.

PS: Speaking of certainty and stability in running, last year we celebrated the 20th Dances With Dirt extreme trail event and next year we will celebrate the 30th running of the Running Fit Trail Marathon Weekend. The Martian Invasion of Races is closing in on 15 years and Run Woodstock is getting into the groove as it hits year 6 (I think this event came along just in time for those of us that needed a healing weekend of peace, love, music and of course, running. Just knowing Run Woodstock will be part of our year brings down the blood pressure). That said, our goal is to put on events that will stand the test of time, events that will be there for us like the daily run. We promise to stay true to the culture, no fad runs, sure some fun themes but always measured, timed events to come back to each year, like going home to our running family!

PS: Love is in the air... We love running, fellowship and fun. Join us for a fun run that includes chocolate, wine and flowers on February 12th. Who knows, you may meet a like minded runner to celebrate Valentine's Day with! Running Fit - Northville location, 6:30PM. Questions: 248.380.3338

PS: All Running Fit locations offer weekly group runs.We will help you run through the winter! Ask your local store for details.

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