2015-04-15 - Run ruined by routine

milemarksRoutine is a two edged sword, on one side it reduces the stress associated with the unknown and keeps us on the roads we know, allowing for a meditative run and a training experience we understand. On the flip side we mentally block our spirit of adventure and often end up with a ho hum middle of the road experience that leaves us wondering what we missed, a wicked stress of its own, one that can make us feel ... old. Bilbo Baggins comes to mind.

Are you squandering one of the precious days of your life on a run that will not be memorable, a run that keeps you from discovering who you are and who you might be? Or, are you heading out for an adventure, perhaps on a run that you might tell stories about until the end of your days! Yes, it might be awful but yes, it might be great but yes, it won't be blah.

Run off on a wild adventure,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who can't wait to see where, when and how I will run tomorrow!

P.S. This weekend over 2500 kids will toe the line at the Martian Marathon to finish the last 1.2 miles of their Marathon! Blue Care Network made this amazing Kids' Marathon possible, just like they make families and individuals confidence in their insurance plans possible.

P.S. Join us for a romp in the woods April 25 and 26 in Pinckney, MI at Trail Weekend! 5 Mile, Half Marathon, Full Marathon and 50K options!

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