Obsessed Runner Blog

2015-04-08 - Run to run

milemarksThe main goal of my weekly rant is to motivate us out the door for the daily run, our daily bread. There is no better motivation than to have an event goal on our horizon. I'm so very proud of Running Fit Events and what this crew does to create events that you can trust your many hard miles of training to, not to mention, your hard earned event entry money.

I was reminded of this while running the Detroit River front today and passed by the Hightail To Ale 5K bench. A bench made possible from a $5,000 donation to the Riverfront Conservancy. This year's run is Friday evening, May 15th. Join us and you'll not only enjoy a run on the riverfront, Atwater brews and tunes by Thornetta Davis and her band but you will also make the next bench possible... and will be able to sit on it with pride!

As far as goals on the horizon, yikes, in just over a week, Saturday April 18th, is the Martian Invasion of Races with 5K, 10K, 13.1 and 26.2 miles to choose from! Stick around for the party and to cheer on 2,800 kids who will have logged 26.2 miles for the year as they cross the finish line, a serious commitment to fitness and a hope for our future!

My last plug, It's a ways off but it's time to enter and book your walk-in tent site for Run Woodstock. Join us as we camp out on the land and set our souls free! Trail runs, races, hikes, yoga, peace, love, a weekend of great bands and time together around the fire. We need this annual weekend escape from the complexity and routine of our lives. Dig? Use the discount code HIPPIE for $5 off your entry, code expires at midnight, this Sunday, April 12th.

Peace, love and running,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves any opportunity to run... and to release our inner hippie!

2015-04-01 - Run smart or don't run

randy running50 degrees and sunny, a tempting day for a run, especially for those of us who are putting in a few too many miles too soon, and perhaps are dealing with a twinge of training pain besides. Dang. The hardest but smartest part of our sport is to not run a planned workout, especially when we are obsessed with weekly mileage targets and especially when the run you should skip is your long run. "But I am following a schedule and have a race coming up in 3 weeks!" You can't race at all if you are injured or sick but you can race rested and perhaps a bit under trained. Skip the run, work on the core, get a massage, ice any suspicious feeling parts of the body and come back with only a short easy run when it seems safe, maybe in a day, maybe in a few days.

Get out for a  ... walk,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who is taking a second day off, icing my shin, and will be back out there tomorrow, smarter yet, the day after tomorrow ... Dang.

PS: If you have any connection with anyone with Autism/Asperger Syndrome, might I suggest a book by Tracey Cohen, a runner, writer, long time Running Fit Crew member and an aspie herself. Tracey's insightful, entertaining and easy to read book can help us better understand the complexities of this syndrome. Six-Word Lessons on Females with Asperger Syndrome. If you have any questions feel free to contact tracey, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

PS: Yoga for Runners is back!! with a twist.... We will now start the workout with a 30 minute Run! Classes begin April 9.

2015-03-25 - Light a fire

randy runningToday I was the speaker for a lunch series on fitness at the Toyota Tech Center in Saline. I was reminded that when people give running a try, as one woman put it, "it just sucks". It struck me that the truth is, when we try a new physical activity that our bodies and minds don't have a feel for, this makes sense. Nothing good comes easy, especially in running. The benefits come slow but continue to grow as we stick with it. Personal records, increased self-esteem and the pure joy of the runs that are effortless can't be experienced without putting in some hard time at the beginning. For sure this needs to be stressed to the new runner. I think minimally, we should ask them to commit to 3 days a week for 4 weeks while keeping a log that tracks pace, distance and weekly total. This might get them over the first hurdle. The motivational thought of knowing they have a 4 week streak of runs, that will end if they give it up, might be just what they need to keep the fragile little flame lit long enough to get to the blazes of personal glory.

Help someone start a fire,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who's kind of like a running arsonist!

PS: It took the Mars rover robot 11 years and two months to complete its very own Martian Marathon! Come see how you match up at THE Martian Marathon and Invasion of Races on April 18, 2015 in Dearborn, MI, Earth!

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