2015-06-17 - Let's play hooky

randy sunglassesRunning takes self-discipline and gives us a working understanding of long term goal planning and delayed gratification, it's no wonder we are a hardworking, responsible gang, good stuff. That said, some of us need to recognize that being so productive can take a toll on us and that we really do deserve to ... blow a day off and play hooky! I suggest that we watch the weather and when a perfect summer day is predicted that we not set the alarm, turn off our phones and get up when we wake up and head out to someplace fun for a run and see where the day takes us from there. Sure our busy schedule and to-do list does not allow for this, this is exactly why we need to do it!

Be a running bum for a day,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who write this midweek stuff for myself ... And for you!

PS: For the same reasons as stated above, we all need the peaceful healing weekend of Run Woodstock, the weekend after Labor Day. Yes, we will be responsible and plan it now, well in advance so that it happens, dig? Commit today to set your soul free at runwoodstock.com

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