Obsessed Runner Blog

2019-06-26 - Run Healthy

randy freepAs runners, we drink a lot more fluid and consume more calories than those who are sedentary. That said, our risk of health problems due to taking in chemicals, pharmaceuticals and whatever other impurities there are in our food and water may also be greater. In addition, we suck in a lot more air that is filtered by our lungs than the average couch potato. I believe we need to keep this in mind, and look to run in spaces away from busy roadways and dirty air, and look for sources of healthy food and pure water. We need to be aware.

Run smart, starting today,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who just hates the idea that all this running does not make us bulletproof, but we can drink and eat our way into a kind of Kevlar vest!

P.S.: Trail running is tough... but rewarding! Earn bragging rights and bluff top views (including 'the most dramatic aid station location in the world' at DANCES WITH DIRT DEVIL'S LAKE. Choose 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, 50K, or 50 Miles to take in the incredible Ice Age Trail sights, sounds and fresh air! July 13 in Baraboo, WI. Register for your next adventure (or sign up to volunteer!) HERE.

2019-06-12 - Race or Race Again

randy oberunYou will always remember your first long race or triathlon, but if it was awhile ago, just how much? Yes, it may have been life-changing and left you with skills you use daily, like long-term goal planning, an understanding of delayed gratification, excellent time management and perhaps healthy changes in your diet. Crossing the finish line might still be a vivid memory, but how about the feeling you got when you signed up and committed? Or the way the upcoming event was constantly on your mind and, in many ways, defining who you were?
This is a reminder, a reality check, YOU CAN have that living-life-in-full-color feeling again! You can blow away the cobwebs from the often mind-numbing day to day lives we fall into. You can commit again and shake up your world! Perhaps an ultramarathon or trail marathon to light your fire?


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who gives you permission to dare to be great! If you have not raced long, I hope I have given you the ammo to get you to fire the starting gun! This is the time! Here are the races! http://rfevents.com/event-calendar

P.S.: OBERUN 5K IS OVER 90% FULL! Don't miss the hottest Summer Solstice party of 2019! We can't think of a better way to celebrate summer than a 5K dash to a beer garden serving up cold Bell's Oberon! Pair this summer favorite with a bottle opener finisher's medal, a finisher's pint glass, a sweet shirt, food trucks, board games and live music! Join us in Ypsilanti, MI on June 21, 2019 in Ypsilanti, MI.


2019-06-06 - Listen to your body

anna bday runBaby Goat here!

If you've followed along with me at all... You know I was STRUGGLING to get my butt out the door after our never ending winter. So now I've got good news, and I've got realistic news. The good news is... the better weather and longer days really did put a SPRING in my step. I've been getting in my miles, getting the ol' tush out the door, and the running fire is re-lit! The realistic news? When things are going good its easy to go overboard! I put in a hard effort long run on Sunday, and followed it up with two more hard efforts. Do you know where this story is headed? Me too. Yesterday I woke up (on Global Running day no less!) and my body wasn't just telling me I needed the day off, it was screaming. Instead of pushing through it and getting out there so I didn't ruin my streak, I took the much needed day off. Listen to your body, it knows you best! The rest and recovery days are just as important as the hard efforts!

Baby Goat, an admittedly (not quite as) obsessed runner happy I took the break so I can get back out there today.

P.S.: OBERUN 5K IS OVER 80% FULL! Don't miss the hottest Summer Solstice party of 2019! We can't think of a better way to celebrate summer than a 5K dash to a beer garden serving up cold Bell's Oberon! Pair this summer favorite with a bottle opener finisher's medal, a finisher's pint glass, a sweet shirt, food trucks, board games and live music! Join us in Ypsilanti, MI on June 21, 2019 in Ypsilanti, MI.


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